The path to membership at UUCC begins differently for each of us. Maybe you wanted to explore SolarPunk, or you learned of UU in a class, or heard The Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon preach at a social justice event, or Googled non-denominational churches, or visited for a celebration of life, or were invited by a friend. Whatever road brought us here, or how often we attend, we stay for the feeling of community and the potential for a better world.
Have you ever wondered about the path to membership at the UUCC?
Visitors are invited to sign the visitor connect book online or on paper. They then receive a welcome letter with an offer of a name tag. When they are ready to move forward they enroll in Membership 101 which explores the history of the Unitarian Universalist faith. Membership 102 speaks to the history of our own beloved congregation. Following Membership 101 and 102 they are welcomed to our church during the Ingathering ceremony. Members and visitors are all welcome to attend the membership classes. I learn something new at every class and enjoy getting to know others more deeply.
All are invited to serve as a greeter. It’s a great way to get to know people, it’s a fairly low time investment, and there is on the job training. Sign up to greet:
Please email any questions, comments or updates on your name tag to the Membership Team.
Our next membership cycle – September
- Membership 101 – History of Unitarian Universalism – 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 5 – register
- Membership 102 – History of UUCC – in person after worship – Sept. 8 – register
- New Member Ingathering during worship – Sept. 22 – register
– Patty Daus, UUCC Membership Team