2615 Shepard Blvd., Columbia, MO 65201-6132 • Phone: 573-442-5764
Special Holiday Worship Services
Mission/Vision Cottage Meetings Signups
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Chalice Circles Signups for 2024-2025
Welcome to the church nurturing spirit and service – a liberal religious voice lighting a moral beacon in Central Missouri. In the spirit of courageous love, we forge a community of radical welcome and deep connection that moves us together to heal the world. We invite you to join us.
Our beloved Affiliated Community Minister, the Rev. Dottie Mathews, shared wisdom from her long experience as a chaplain and spiritual caregiver in her sermon “Chaplaining Each Other” on Dec. 15, 2024. She explored how we all can care for one another’s spirits even though we are not all professional chaplains.
Sunday at UUCC – Dec. 22, 2024
9 a.m. – Forum Discussion Group – No Meeting – Christmas Holiday
The Forum Discussion Group is an adult issues-and-answers discussion program that meets from 9 to 10 a.m. most Sundays from September through May.
Forum will not meet on Dec. 22 because of the Christmas Holiday.
9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation – Fire Circle or Lower Level-Centering Room
Mindfulness Meditation takes place at 9 a.m. every Sunday. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. If the outside temperature is 55° F. or higher and weather permits, meditation will take place at the Fire Circle behind the church. Otherwise, meditation will be in the Lower Level-Centering Room. For more information, email Anna Lingo or Susan Pereira.
10:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Sanctuary
“The Longest Night” – All-Ages Solstice Celebration –
Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon and DRE Jamila Batchelder
Join us for our annual All-Ages Solstice Celebration, as we settle in for a cozy and caring longest night. Special music will be provided by the UUCC Choir.
Order of Service for Dec. 22
Livestream worship links – Zoom • Facebook
Submit Joys and Sorrows by 8:30 a.m. Sunday before worship:
Online Donation or Pledge Payment
Visitors participating in our online worship services are invited to fill out our Visitor Connection Card:
10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education – All-Ages Worship Service
Children will be with us in the Sanctuary for the entire All-Ages Solstice Service. Please welcome them. Free nursery care for infants to 3-year-olds will be available until 11:45 a.m. Read about our Youth Religious Education program.
11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour – enjoy beverages and chat in the Greeting Area
11:30 a.m. – LGBTQ Collective – Sanctuary
Come to this gathering to connect with fellow LGBTQ humans at UUCC. This first meeting will focus on getting to know each other, sharing ideas for the group and talking about support and resources. This collective is open to anyone who feels they are a part of the LGBTQ community. Childcare and lunch will be provided. For questions email Heidi Shearer.
Noon – Middle School Gaming – Lower Level-Latimer Classroom
Middle schoolers gather at noon on the second and fourth Sundays each month to play Dungeons and Dragons.
Noon – Milestones Circle – Lower Level-Forum Room/Library
The Milestones Circle is an open, drop-in small group for older adults to meet, share thoughts and concerns, and receive support and friendship in a UU setting. The group meets each month on the fourth Sunday after the worship service in the Forum Room/Library on the lower level of the church. Bring a brown bag lunch and help explore the spirituality in your life. The December topic is “Gratitude.” Milestones materials are available here. For more information, contact volunteer Kathie Bergman at 573-999-3938 or by email.
6 p.m. – Holiday Blues Service with Potluck Soup Supper – Sanctuary
This celebratory time of year can be painful for those experiencing grief, loss, family conflict, depression, and more. Join us for a service to hold it all together, followed by a potluck soup supper. Soup will be provided — you may bring a side dish or bread if you wish to share.
Special Holiday Worship Services
Holiday Blues Service with Potluck Soup Supper – 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 22
This celebratory time of year can be painful for those experiencing grief, loss, family conflict, depression, and more. Join us for a service to hold it all together, followed by a potluck soup supper. Soup will be provided — you may bring a side dish or bread if you wish to share.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services – 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24
A potluck cookie reception will be offered between the two services. Your cookie contributions will be gratefully accepted.
Family Service – in-person only at 4:30 p.m.
Traditional carols and candlelight, and an interactive telling of the Christmas story with an accessible message of hope. This service will not be live-streamed due to the participation of our children. Order of Service
Candlelight Service – in-person and online at 6:30 p.m.
Traditional carols and candlelight, and a Christmas homily from Rev. Molly. This service will be live-streamed at our usual Sunday morning worship link. Order of Service