Worship Associates
We have a tradition of lay leadership in worship that dates back to the inception of our church.

The Worship Associates are a diverse group of church members who support the minister in planning and conducting worship services. The Worship Associates meet with the minister for planning sessions on a quarterly basis.
One Sunday a month from September through May, the minister steps down from the pulpit and the service is entirely lay led with the assistance of the Worship Associates. Lay services often are presented by by one of the groups in the church, such as the Writer’s Group, Social Action, or the high school youth group, but can also be presented by individual church members or guest speakers.
In past years, the summer services from June through August were organized by the Worship Associates and were entirely lay led. However, starting in 2013, the minister has been leading about half of the summer services.
The summer lay-led services are often non-traditional and unique, and allow individuals to speak to a topic of interest or lead the congregation in exploring a variety of activities related to the many facets of worship and spirituality.
Summer service topics have included an Animal (Pet) Blessing, Silence, What It Means to be an American, and the Honduras Service Trips.
The Worship Associates can be contacted by email.
Church members who would like to join the Worship Associates should complete the Worship Associates Application Form (PDF), which is also available on paper in the Greeting Area, and give the completed form to the minister.
For Worship Associates’ and lay leaders’ guidance in planning and conducting summer services, the following documents are provided in PDF format:
- Summer Service Instructions for Worship Associates
- Service Planning Guide for Service Presenters
- Order of Service Worksheet