Site Updates

July 21, 2024


Next Sunday, July 28, join lay leaders in our beloved tradition of sharing our pulpit with our members to hear their varied takes on our summer theme of UUtopias.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education
    • Noon – Milestones Circle

A video of the sermon delivered by lay leader Aaryn Johns during worship this morning appears near the top of the home page. The video is directly available here and also is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

Milestones Circle Materials

Materials for next Sunday’s gathering of the Milestones Circle are now posted on this page.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

Joys and Sorrows

We share the joys, sorrows and prayers of our community on this page.

July 14, 2024

Here’s what’s new on our website since last Sunday:


Next Sunday, July 21, join lay leaders in our beloved tradition of sharing our pulpit with our members to hear their varied takes on our summer theme of UUtopias.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – All-Ages Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education
    • 4 p.m. – Loaves and Fishes

As of July 14, the Social Action Team still needs 25 volunteers for Loaves and Fishes to provide food and/or serve and clean up. Please sign up here.

Usher Team

The ushering schedule for this summer and the regular church year from September through next May has been posted here. You’ll see several new faces either as regular ushers or substitutes. If you are interested in ushering, email coordinator Steve Scott.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

Joys and Sorrows

We share the joys, sorrows and prayers of our community on this page.

July 7, 2024


Next Sunday, July 7, Rev. Molly and DRE Jamila Batchelder will lead an all-ages worship service, “Building Better.” Join us to talk about building a better community… with Legos! After worship, join Rev. Molly and members of our Climate Resilience Team for our first SolarPunk Summer Discussion – read more.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – All-Ages Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education – All-Ages Service
    • Noon – SolarPunk Summer Discussion
    • 1 p.m. – Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Team – online

This morning our all-ages worship service was a “Singing Circle” with Steph Plant, a singer/songwriter and author/illustrator based in the St Louis area. A video of the service appears near the top of the home page. The video is directly available here and also is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

Current Newsletter

In case you missed earlier notices, the July issue of our monthly newsletter, The Searchlight, is available here. It is also linked along with past issues on the Newsletter Download page.

Board and Officers

This page has been updated to reflect the composition of our Board of Trustees effective July 1 when three new members joined the board.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events in July are listed on this page in chronological order.

Church News Blog

The following articles are new on the Church News Blog this week:

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

June 30, 2024


Next Sunday, July 7, join us for an all-ages “Singing Circle” worship service followed by our First Sunday Potluck. We will worship with Steph Plant, a singer/songwriter and author/illustrator based in the St Louis area.

For the potluck after worship, please bring a main dish, side dish or dessert if you are able, and please stay if you can’t because there’s always plenty of food to go around. To accommodate those with dietary restrictions, please label your food contribution to indicate whether it contains meat or is vegetarian and whether it contains common allergens such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and/or tree nuts.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – All-Ages Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education – All-Ages Service
    • Noon – First Sunday Potluck
    • 1:30 – Social Action Team – online

This morning, in the first lay-led worship service of the summer on our theme of “UUtopias,” Melissa Bedford’s sermon was titled “What Do You Need? How Can I Help?” She focused on Becky Chambers’ “SolarPunk” novels A Psalm for the Wild-Built and Prayer for the Crown-Shy. A video of the service appears near the top of the home page. The video is directly available here and also is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

Current Newsletter

In case you missed the email sent out on Friday, the July issue of our monthly newsletter, The Searchlight, is available here. It is also linked along with past issues on the Newsletter Download page.

Worship Services

July worship services are listed here.

RE Schedule

DRE Jamila Batchelder provided the July RE class schedule on this page.

Church office closed July 1-5

Overlapping staff vacations have necessitated closing the church office this coming week. Read the details here.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

Joys and Sorrows

We share the joys, sorrows and prayers of our community on this page.

June 23, 2024


Next Sunday, June 30, join us for a lay-led worship service. Following our beloved tradition of sharing our pulpit with our members, we’ll hear takes on our summer theme – UUtopias!

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education
    • Noon – Religious Education Appreciation Lunch

Rev. Molly had the singular honor this morning of leading the online Sunday worship for the virtual General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Some congregants gathered at UUCC to view the online service, and others watched from home. The video of the service appears near the top of the home page. The video is directly available here and also is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

UUA adopts revised “Principles and Purposes”

This weekend, by an affirmative vote of 80.2%, delegates to the 2024 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly adopted revised “Principles and Purposes” as part of Article II of the UUA Bylaws. While the revised principles will replace the Seven Principles that were adopted in 1984, individual UUs and their congregations are welcome to continue to hold and value the Seven Principles and Six Sources as a meaningful part of the faith.

Rev. Molly suggests readings for “SolarPunk Summer”

This summer we’ll be talking about UUtopias in our summer worship series and engaging reading and discussion in this new “climate utopian” genre of science fiction called SolarPunk. Rev. Molly has suggested numerous readings to understand the issues and fire the imagination.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

Joys and Sorrows

We share the joys, sorrows and prayers of our community on this page.

June 16, 2024


Next Sunday, June 23, join Unitarian Universalists from our 1,000 member congregations as we gather virtually for the largest annual UU worship experience of the year – the UUA General Assembly Sunday Service. This year the service will be led by our own Rev. Molly! We will gather in the sanctuary to stream the service together.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education – Shepard Park Shelter
    • Noon – Milestones Circle

A video of portions of this morning’s worship service, “SolarPunk Summer,” appears near the top of the home page. The video is directly available here and also is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

Milestones Circle Materials

Materials for the June 23 gathering of the Milestones Circle are now posted on this page.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

Joys and Sorrows

We share the joys, sorrows and prayers of our community on this page.

June 9, 2024


Next Sunday, June 16, Rev. Molly’s sermon topic will be “SolarPunk Summer.” What if we stopped fearing a dystopian climate future and started dreaming – and enacting – possibilities for future thriving? This is the premise of the literary genre known as SolarPunk. Join us to awaken the imagination!

In case you were unable to attend or view the livestream yesterday, there is a link near the bottom of the home page to the ordination of George Grimm-Howell, our former Intern Minister.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education – special performance of “Charlotte’s Web”
    • 4:15 p.m. – Loaves and Fishes – please sign up here

A video of Rev. Molly’s sermon “UUtopias” this morning appears near the top of the home page. The video is directly available here and also is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

June 2, 2024 – Worship and potluck in the park

This is a new video/photo page containing a short video and four photographs of last Sunday’s worship and potluck at the Shepard Park Shelter. The video and photos previously appeared on the home page.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

June 2, 2024


Next Sunday, June 9, Rev. Molly’s sermon topic will be “UUtopias.” She will introduce our summer series with a look back into UU History and a look forward into our shared future. As we look at UU utopian visions over time, what are some of the possibilities – and pitfalls – of dreaming a better world?

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education at Shepard Park

About 50 adults and children enjoyed our outdoor worship and potluck this morning at the picnic shelter in Shepard Park adjoining the church. The “service” consisted of a sing-along with Music Director Violet Vonder Haar. After singing, those present enjoyed a bounteous potluck brunch, followed by conversation and play. A short video and four photos appear near the top of the home page.

Current Newsletter

In case you missed the email this past week, the June issue of our monthly newsletter, The Searchlight, is now available on the Current Newsletter page. The issue also is linked on the Newsletter Download page along with past issues.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events in June are listed here in date order.

News Blog

The following stories on the Church News Blog are new this week:

    • June messages from church leaders
    • Facilities Team’s June report on lower level restoration
    • June report from Grounds Team
    • June Social Action Team update
    • June Sanctuary & Immigrant Justice Team news
    • Water Bearer Society postpones ‘Basics of Estate Planning’

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

May 26, 2024


Next Sunday, June 2, we’ll have “Outdoor Church” – a Brunch Church Potluck in the Park! Join us at the Shepard Park shelter next door to the church. We’ll have the shelter reserved for a potluck brunch picnic, but we recommend bringing camp chairs and picnic blankets because there may not be enough seating at the picnic tables. The all-ages “service” will consist of a short sing-along with Music Director Violet Vonder Haar – followed by eating, chatting, playground play, and enjoying one another’s company. The rain location will be the church sanctuary. There will be no online church on June 2.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – “Outdoor Church”
    • Noon – Middle School D&D Group
    • Note: The Social Action Team ordinarily would meet on June 2, but the June meeting has been canceled.

A video of this morning’s worship service, including Rev. Dr. C.W. Dawson Jr.’s sermon “The Willingness to Be Sent,” appears near the top of the home page. The video also is directly available here and is linked on the Sermon/Worship Archive page.

Revised UU principles will be on General Assembly agenda

The Seven Principles, which are set out in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Bylaws, Article II, “Principles and Purposes,” have existed in their current form since 1987. A proposed revision of Article II will be on the agenda of this year’s UUA General Assembly June 20-23. Read all about it in this news post.

Worship Services

View the complete schedule of June worship services here.

RE Schedule

DRE Jamila Batchelder provided the information on this page about summer R.E. plans and upcoming R.E. classes and events in June.

Forum Discussion Group

As noted here, the Forum Discussion Group does not meet from June through August. Programs will resume in September.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

May 19, 2024


We welcomed six new members during worship this morning: Robert Buffaloe, Mary Beth Buffaloe, Laura Foley, Anna McAnnally, Jim Treece and Gregg Bush. A group photo of the new members appears near the top of the home page.

Next Sunday, our guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. C.W. Dawson, Jr.

Next Sunday’s full schedule (see home page for details):

    • 9 a.m. – Forum Discussion Group – no meeting – Memorial Day weekend
    • 9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation
    • 10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
    • 10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education
    • 11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour
    • Noon – Milestones Circle

Annual Meeting

At the Annual Congregational Meeting after worship today, members voted to co-ordain our former Intern Minister, George Grimm-Howell; to approve the 2024-25 operating budget; and to elect Andrea Baka, Ryan Carter and Kim Wade to the Board of Trustees – read more on the Annual Meeting page. Also, preliminary minutes of the annual meeting, subject to approval by the board at its June meeting, appear on the  Board Information page.

Milestones Circle

This page has been updated with the most current information about the Milestones Circle, an open small group for older adults.

Honduras News

With a sixth Honduras service trip now in the planning stage, the Honduras News page has been refreshed with the latest developments.

Weekly News Update

The most important weekly news is posted on this page every week. You can easily get to this page by clicking the “Weekly News Update” button near the top of the left sidebar.

Joys and Sorrows

We share the joys, sorrows and prayers of our community on this page.