Weekly News Update

General Church News

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Featured this week
Coming up Sunday
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Joys and sorrows
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Featured this Week

Director of Religious Education offers volunteer opportunities

Dear UUCC Community,

I am excited to be getting closer to the start of our new year of religious education classes at UUCC! What makes our program so special is the many volunteers who take part in creating this community of care, exploration, and growth for our children and youth. I am putting together my teams for each age group now, and want to make sure I reach out to all people who might be interested, especially those of you who have never volunteer before but think this will be an enriching experience for you and an opportunity to become more deeply a part of our UUCC community.

If you are thinking about volunteering but aren’t sure, here are a few key points to know:

  1. We do not expect our volunteers to teach every Sunday for a whole year. Most volunteers teach five Sundays over the course of the year (though you are welcome to do more or less).
  2. It does not matter if you do not have experience teaching!  We will offer a training (date to be announced soon!). We also have two adults in each classroom, one leading the lesson, and one assisting as an aide. Many newcomers start out as an aide until they feel ready to lead.
  3. All the curriculum lessons and materials are prepared for you in advance. There is no additional work expected of you during the week expect for to read through the lesson.
  4. So many of the adults who volunteer in our program find it among their most meaningful experiences at UUCC. I hope you will join us!

Please let me know if you have any questions and if you think you might be interested.

– Jamila Batchelder, Director of Religious Education – Email

Social Action Team signs letter opposing partial closure of border to asylum seekers

Our Social Action Team has voted to be a signatory on a letter from the Interfaith Immigration Coalition expressing opposition to the Biden Administration’s decision to partially and conditionally close the border to asylum seekers.

Specifically, the administrative order temporarily suspends access to asylum for most people who arrive at the border between ports of entry to seek protection once arrivals surpass a daily average of 2,500 over the course of a week.

View the text of the letter. View a news release about the letter.

Initial nomination period for Faith-to-Action recipients has ended

The initial nomination period for Faith-to-Action recipients for 2024-2025 church year is now closed, Chair Fred Young of the Social Action Team announced.

Although nominations are still welcome, nominations received by July 1 have priority, Fred said. He added that the Social Action Team has received 14 applications for the 12 monthly FTA collections, so it is unlikely that a late nomination will be accepted. The Social Action Team will review, discuss and vote on the recipients over the next several weeks.

UUA adopts revised “Principles and Purposes”

By an affirmative vote of 80.2%, delegates to the 2024 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in June adopted revised “Principles and Purposes” as part of Article II of the UUA Bylaws. The revisions required approval by a two-thirds vote. Read more here and on the UUA website.

While the revised principles will replace the Seven Principles that were adopted in 1984, individual UUs and their congregations are welcome to continue to hold and value the Seven Principles and Six Sources as a meaningful part of the faith, just as some have adopted the Eighth Principle on their own. The Eighth Principle specifically calls out antiracism and anti-oppression as central to congregational life and UU values.

Check us out on the UUCC Facebook Group Page

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Coming up Sunday, July 28, 2024

9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation – Fire Circle or Lower Level-Centering Room

Mindfulness Meditation takes place at 9 a.m. every Sunday. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome. If the outside temperature is 55° F. or higher and weather permits, meditation will take place at the Fire Circle behind the church. Otherwise, meditation will be in the Lower Level-Centering Room. For more information, email Anna Lingo or Susan Pereira.

10:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Sanctuary

UUtopias – Lay-Led Service

Join lay leaders in our beloved tradition of sharing our pulpit with our members to hear their many varied takes on our summer theme – “UUtopias.”

 Online worship links – Zoom • Facebook

Submit Joys and Sorrows by 8:30 a.m. Sunday before worship:

Joys and Sorrows Submission

Online Donation or Pledge Payment

Visitors participating in our online worship services are invited to fill out our Visitor Connection Card:

Visitor Connection Card

10:30 a.m. – Summer R.E. – All-Ages Class

The religious education focus this summer is on community building – the opportunity to form connections and friendships. After attending the first portion of the worship service, the children will gather together in one all-ages group. When weather allows, R.E. will be held at Shepard Park next door to the church. For those interested in more structured activities, we will be using a Lego-based curriculum to explore UU values. For those who favor the unstructured, we will fully be celebrating the spiritual practice of play!

Free nursery care for infants to 3-year-olds will be available until 11:45 a.m. Read about our Youth Religious Education program.

11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour – enjoy beverages and chat in the Greeting Area

Noon – Milestones Retirement Group – Lower Level-Forum Room/Library

The Milestones Circle is an open, drop-in small group for older adults to meet, share thoughts and concerns on a prearranged topic, and receive support and friendship in a UU setting. The group meets after the worship service on the fourth Sunday each month, in one of the lower level rooms of the church. Bring a brown bag lunch for yourself and explore the spirituality in your life!

The schedule of meeting topics and materials for meetings are on the Milestones Circle Materials page. On July 28 the group will be brainstorming meeting topics for the coming year. For more information, contact the church office at 573-442-5764 or by email, or contact Kathie Bergman at 573-999-3938 or by email.



Help UUCC when you sell on EBay or Facebook

When you sell items on EBay or Facebook, you can now donate some or all of the proceeds to UUCC using the Paypal Giving Fund.

You will need to select an option in EBay or Facebook to donate a percentage of sale proceeds to charity. When you do that, at the time you complete a sale you can search for our church to designate it as the recipient. You’ll see several UU churches listed – select the one labeled “Unitarian Universalist Church.”

Thanks to Larry Lile and Church Administrator April Rodeghero for their work setting up this new giving option.

Columbia Room at the Inn now open year-round

Our community partner Room at the Inn has now opened year-round at its permanent location in the former VFW building on Ashley Street. Read more.

The organizers still rely on volunteer help to keep the shelter staffed and running smoothly. Maybe you want to grab a friend, look at your calendars, and sign up for some shifts together soon? It’s getting coooold, and the need will be great! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C49AFAA29ABF94-44559659-room#/

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What’s happening soon?

Weekly and bi-weekly recurring events

Gentle Yoga with Karen Dwyer – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Gentle Yoga takes place at the church from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Fridays and from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays (except the first Thursday each month). Additional information is available from Karen Dwyer, or contact the church office. There will be no yoga on Nov. 2.

Living Earth Meditation – 9 a.m. Saturdays starting April 6

Facilitated by Peter Holmes, PhD, and Tricia Straub. Meditation to awaken inter-connection with the earth, ourselves and each other. Sign up to attend by email.

Scheduled events coming soon

Men’s Group – 8:30 a.m. Saturday, July 27 – online

The UUCC Men’s Group meets online via Zoom on the second, fourth, and fifth Saturdays of each month. For more information, contact Wiley Miller at 573-864-8574 or by email.

Kaleidoscope – 6 p.m. Saturday, July 27

Lughnassad, the Feast of the First Harvest.  Juicy ripe tomatoes, and zucchini everywhere.  The Earth once again gives of Her bounty.  We join to celebrate Her gifts.

Gather with Kaleidoscope at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 27 at the church. We will join in ritual, followed by a finger food (i.e. simple snacks) potluck and friendship.  All are welcome, no matter what their personal paths.

Milestones Circle – noon Sunday, July 28

The Milestones Circle is an open, drop-in small group for older adults to meet, share thoughts and concerns on a prearranged topic, and receive support and friendship in a UU setting. The group meets after the worship service on the fourth Sunday each month, in one of the lower level rooms of the church. Bring a brown bag lunch for yourself and explore the spirituality in your life!

The schedule of meeting topics and materials for meetings are on the Milestones Circle Materials page. On July 28 the group will be brainstorming meeting topics for the coming year. For more information, contact the church office at 573-442-5764 or by email, or contact Kathie Bergman at 573-999-3938 or by email.


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Joys and sorrows

You can read the Joys and sorrows shared with the congregation by clicking the link below. The page is also accessible from the Members/Friends drop-down menu. The Joys and Sorrows page is password-protected, so you must be logged in as a registered user of our site to see it. If you have not already registered, you can do so here.

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You can submit joys and sorrows online by clicking this button:

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