Forum Discussion Group
The Forum Discussion Group meets at 9 a.m. most Sundays from
September through May in the Lower Level-Forum Room/Library.
February 2025 programs
Feb. 2 – Steve Scott, UUCC member and local attorney for almost 47 years, will speak on “Estate Planning.” This is a presentation by the Water Bearers Society, the group encouraging inclusion of the church in estate plans.
Feb. 9 – Jack Colwill will speak on “The Health Care System in the Era of Trump.” This program had been scheduled on Jan. 5 but was postponed due to a snowstorm that canceled church that day.
Feb. 16 – Connie Johnmeyer will lead a discussion of Great Decisions Chapter 6, “Invisible Indonesia.”
Feb. 23 – Mel West will speak on “Habitat for Humanity and Koinonia Farm.” Rev. West served on the national board of Habitat for Humanity. This program is in remembrance of Jimmy Carter.
The Forum Discussion Group is an adult issues-and-answers discussion program that meets from September through May from 9 to 10 a.m. each Sunday. Forum meets in the Forum Room/Library at the southeast corner of the lower level of our church.
The lower level is wheelchair-accessible by elevator.
Forum began in 1980 shortly after our church transitioned from a lay-led fellowship to a community with a full-time minister in October 1980. Forum did not meet starting in March 2020 because of the Covid pandemic but resumed meeting on Sept. 11, 2022.

Among Forum leaders in its nearly four decades of existence have been George and Lois Parker, Arthur McArthur, Bob Breitenbach, Dan Spies, Charlie Atkins, and Carla and Wayne Anderson, and Bill Clark.
Forum looks into community, state, national and international issues, including issues in society, the arts, history, the sciences, and the environment, and occasionally issues within the church. Guests have included musical performers, educational and political leaders, political candidates, representatives of other religions, and leaders in the arts, music, theater, and city and county government.
A typical program format consists of remarks by a guest speaker followed by a question-and-answer period.
Forum is not intended to be a spiritual experience, though spiritual matters such as the soul of dogs occasionally appear on the schedule. The entire community is invited to attend Forum. Church membership or an enrollment is not a requirement – all that is needed is an interest in contemporary issues. A dollar in the coffee can on occasion is appreciated, however. Just show up – you’ll be an immediate Forum member.
Child care is available during the Forum sessions from September through May; however, it is seldom needed because most Forum attendees are older adults. Forum leaders hope to remedy this situation by attracting younger adults, whom the group cordially invites to stretch their horizons and expand their UU experiences. In addition to the listing at the top of this page, scheduled Forum topics are included on the Home Page and on the church calendar.
George Frissell presented on “Religion and Regalia” at Forum on May 8, 2016.
Andrew Twaddle took the photos in the slideshow above.