How to Join UUCC

Visitor Information Page

Visitor Connection Card

Our Membership Covenant is spelled out in our bylaws, which provide that any person at least 16 years old,

1. who is in agreement with the purpose of our church as specified in the bylaws

“…to organize as a religious community that has at its heart these beliefs: a commitment to accept one another and encourage each other’s spiritual growth; a recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of every person; a belief in the need for justice, equity and compassion in human relations; a commitment to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning; acceptance of the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregation; a desire to further the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and a deep and abiding respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” (the 7 UU Principles)

2. and who makes a financial contribution to the church,

may become a member by signing and dating the membership book in the presence of the minister or a member of the Board of Trustees. The financial requirement is set by the board and may be waived in individual cases at the discretion of the minister.

Before joining, prospective new members of our church are asked to attend two orientation classes presented by the Membership Team (see the schedule below). Prospective new members also can learn more about our church and Unitarian Universalism by reading free brochures available in our Greeting Area or by speaking with any of the Sunday Greeters.

  • Membership 101 – history of Unitarian Universalism
  • Membership 102 – history of our church
New members joined in the membership covenant at a New Member Ingathering on Feb. 11, 2018.

We periodically conduct a New Member Ingathering Ceremony during a worship service (see the schedule below). In this ceremony, new members sign the membership book and are introduced to the congregation. Then the new members and congregation join in the reading of our covenant. New members become eligible to vote on issues decided by the congregation 60 days after joining.

2024 Schedule of Classes and Ingathering Services


  • Membership 101 – History of Unitarian Universalism – 7 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 11 via Zoom – register
  • Membership 102 – History of UUCC – in person after worship – Jan. 14 – register
  • New Member Ingathering during worship – Jan. 28 – register


  • Membership 101 – History of Unitarian Universalism – 7 to 8:30 p.m. May 2 via Zoom- register
  • Membership 102 – History of UUCC – in person after worship – May 5 – register
  • New Member Ingathering during worship – May 19-  register


  • Membership 101 – History of Unitarian Universalism – 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 5 – register
  • Membership 102 – History of UUCC – in person after worship – Sept. 8 – register
  • New Member Ingathering during worship – Sept. 22 – register

Classes are also listed on the Church Calendar.  For any questions about classes or joining, please email the Membership Team.

In order to join our church, a prospective member need not subscribe to any creedal confession or belief statement. One does not have to “convert” to Unitarian Universalism, nor is it necessary to renounce a previous faith.

In our and other UU churches, prospective members also are not required to be or become baptized. Indeed, infant baptism as it is understood in Christian churches is not practiced in UU churches. Instead, we conduct an infant dedication ceremony in which parents commit to raise their child in accordance with UU ideals and the congregation covenants to nurture and embrace the child within the fabric of our church community.

Anyone is welcome to visit our church. One need not be a member to participate in most of the life of the congregation. Visitors should feel free to attend Sunday services and congregational events for a while before deciding whether to join.