Disability Justice and Inclusion Team

The Disability Justice and Inclusion Team seeks to create an inclusively designed environment, free from ableism, where all individuals feel radically welcome and are able to participate in every aspect of our church. We continually strive to make UUCC a universally designed environment for all members of our church and members of the public.

At UUCC we have made many efforts over the years to be accessible and inclusive. However, we are not yet accessible and inclusive to all people, be they adults or children, members or guests, or members of the public using our meeting spaces.

In order to tackle this issue, we have determined four focus areas:

  • Education: Creating an ableism free space (UUCC culture, member awareness, etc.)
  • Physical Accessibility: Elevator, doorway and path access widths, signage, heights, etc.
  • Neurodiversity: Sensory accessibility, UDL/diverse learning styles, etc.
  • Information Accessibility: Interpreting, recording transcription, electronic info, website, Braille, etc.

Current Projects

The first stage of our work included completing a physical accessibility survey of our facilities. Next, we will ask members to complete their own surveys, answering a series of questions, in order for the team to determine the current accessibility needs of our congregation.

Meetings and Contact Info

The team meets on the third Sunday each month in the volunteer workroom from noon to 1 p.m.

If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved, please contact either co-chair:

  • Gretchen Maune – 573-489-0986 or email, or
  • James Cutts – 573-489-0879 or email