
April 6, 2025    
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Greeting Area and Sanctuary
2615 Shepard Blvd., Columbia, MO, 65201

Event Type

A potluck lunch takes place after worship on the first Sunday each month. Please bring a main dish, side dish or dessert if you are able, and please stay if you can’t because there’s always plenty of food to go around. Also, please help set up the Sanctuary for the potluck and stay after to help clean up and return the Sanctuary to normal order. Many hands make light work!

Potlucks can be challenging and sometimes downright frustrating for those with food sensitivities and allergies. For many, checking a box indicating “gluten-free,” “vegan” or “nondairy” is not enough. For instance, one of our members is gluten-free but also sensitive to arrowroot and sorghum flour.

Let’s support each other by completing an ingredient list form. It will include a brief checklist stating whether the food is gluten-free, vegan, etc., and will ask for all ingredients. You could also print off the ingredient list from your recipe. We will have an ingredient list form available online and paper copies at all potlucks and other events where food is shared. Go here for the online PDF version of the form:

Those with dietary sensitivities thank you in advance, and we look forward to sharing community and yummy dishes with ingredients listed on the first Sunday of each month.