Adult Religious Education
- Adult R.E. Team
- Current Adult R.E. Program
- Materials from Past Adult R.E. Programs
- Adult R.E. Library
Adult R.E. Team
Our Adult Religious Education Team plans informative and stimulating programs in keeping with our vision to engage our intergenerational community in faith development and life-long learning with a spirit of curiosity and openness.
Ideas for and questions about adult R.E. programming may be emailed to the team.
Current Adult R.E. Programs
Materials from Past Adult R.E. Programs
“Race, Law and the Body Politic” – Jan. 12-Feb. 16, 2021
“Critiques of Capitalism” – June 30-July 28, 2020
Adult R.E. Library
Over the years, our congregation has amassed a wide range of books for our library on almost every topic that intrigues the mind. The extensive lending library, located in the lower level of the church in the Forum Room/Library, is available to all.