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How much money do we need to do our work?

Our annual budget is $327,000 per year

  • 70% provides fair wages and benefits for our amazing staff.
  • 30% goes to building maintenance, utilities, software, insurance, UUA, ministry teams, programs, etc.
  • Faith-to-Action giving – We give an additional average of $20,000 per year to charitable community organizations outside of our operating budget.

Where does the money for our annual budget come from?

  • $295,000 – Annual gifts from members. We are supported by 128 individuals and families who pledge gifts ranging from $4 to $2,000 per month. Every gift makes an impact.
  • $30,000 – Rentals, endowment investment interest, fundraising, Sunday offerings and additional gifts from members.

Our Goal

Over the last several years as surplus funds became depleted, we have trimmed our budget as much as possible while also increasing giving. Now we are only $25,000 away from completing our multi-year plan to fully fund our budget. We’ve done the math, and if those families who can afford to increase their gift can do so in the following way, we’ll reach our goal!

  • For those giving $100 or less per month, a $10 per month increase will get us to our goal.
  • For those giving $120-250 per month, a $25 per month increase will get us to our goal.
  • And for those giving more than $250 per month, a $50 per month increase will get us to our goal.

Ways to communicate your 2024-25 gift

  • Pledge securely online
  • Call the church office – 573-442-5764
  • Mail in your Annual Gift amount using this form. Send to UU Church of Columbia, 2615 Shepard Blvd., Columbia, MO 65201