Milestones Circle
Milestones – Sharing Our Lives Now
Meetings at noon on every fourth Sunday throughout the year
The what, who and why of the Milestones Circle:
Older adulthood and/or retirement years are a time to take stock of one’s journey and to affirm that which is of most importance. It can be a rich time in the lives of adults- a time when we are often open to new learning and discovery, a time of deepening friendships and relationships, a time of theological reflection as we explore questions of meaning and purpose.
The Milestones Circle is an open, drop-in small group for older adults to meet, share thoughts and concerns on a prearranged topic, and receive support and friendship in a UU setting. We meet after the worship service on the 4th Sunday each month, in one of the lower level rooms of the church. Bring a brown bag lunch for yourself and explore the spirituality in your life!
The schedule of meeting topics and materials for meetings are on the Milestones Circle Materials page. For more information: