June 11-12, 2016 – Down by the Riverside
We celebrated our 10th annual “Down by the Riverside” observance on Saturday and Sunday, June 11-12, 2016 at Katfish Katy’s Campground on the Missouri River at Huntsdale. Because the campground is now under new ownership, there was no camping Saturday night, but we had a potluck picnic Saturday evening and held the traditional riverside worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Picnic Saturday evening, June 11
About 30 UUCC members and friends came to the potluck picnic from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday evening. The photos below were taken by Steve Scott.
Worship service Sunday, June 12
The worship service Sunday morning was attended by about 40 members and friends. The service included a homily by Peter Holmes, “Loving Mother Earth” (see video below), and a moving reading of “Chief Seattle’s Message” by Scott Denson. Steve Scott took the photos and video below. There is a link below the video to the text of the homily.
Text of homily. Note: There is a transition at 17:27 where about five minutes of silent meditation was omitted from the video.