Milestones Circle

Milestones – Sharing Our Lives Now

The what, who and why of the Milestones Circle:

Older adulthood is a time to take stock of one’s journey and to affirm that which is of most importance. It can be a rich time in the lives of adults – a time when we are often open to new learning and discovery, a time of deepening friendships and relationships, a time of theological reflection as we explore questions of meaning and purpose.

The Milestones Circle is an open, drop-in small group for older adults to meet, share thoughts and concerns, and receive support and friendship in a UU setting. We meet after the worship service on the fourth Sunday each month at 12:15 p.m. in the Lower Level-Centering Room. Bring a brown bag lunch and help explore the spirituality in your life!

For more information, contact the church office or Kathie Bergman at 573-999-3938 or by email.