We observed Easter on an unseasonably chilly April 1 with two well-attended worship services led by a guest minister, Rev. Julie Taylor. In her sermon, “Finding Jesus,” she what explored Jesus may mean for modern-day Unitarian Universalists.

Meanwhile, for their Service Sunday, the R.E. children had their annual hunt for cans of food to be donated to the Food Bank and later worked on coloring Easter eggs.

After worship, congregants enjoyed the annual YRUU Easter Brunch. Proceeds will go toward the youth group’s trip to the UUA General Assembly in late June.

Sadly, the traditional election of some “lucky” person to don and dance in the bunny costume did not take place because the costume had been lost. Inquiring minds want to know if a previous “winner” had anything to do with the costume’s disappearance.

The photos below were taken at and after the 11 a.m. worship service by Steve Scott. Click the arrows to see the next or previous photos.