RE Volunteer Training: Saturday, Sept. 14, 9 am – noon

We are gearing up for our new year of religious education at UUCC, and we’re excited for our volunteers to meet, learn, connect, and share our collective wisdom.

Training for R.E. volunteers will take place from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 14. Whether you have been teaching for years or are getting involved for the first time, this training is worthwhile to attend. Breakfast and childcare will be provided. RSVP so we know how many to expect.

What makes our program so special is the many volunteers who take part in creating this community of care, exploration, and growth for our children and youth. I am putting together the teams for each age group now, and want to make sure I reach out to all people who might be interested, especially those of you who have never volunteered before but think this will be an enriching experience for you and an opportunity to become more deeply a part of our UUCC community.

If you are thinking about volunteering but aren’t sure, here are a few key points to know:

  • We do not expect our volunteers to teach every Sunday for a whole year. Most volunteers teach five Sundays over the course of the year (though you are welcome to do more or less).
  • It does not matter if you do not have experience teaching!  In addition to the training mentioned above, we also have two adults in each classroom, one leading the lesson, and one assisting as an aide. Many newcomers start out as an aide until they feel ready to lead.
  • All the curriculum lessons and materials are prepared for you in advance. There is no additional work expected of you during the week except to read through the lesson.

So many of the adults who volunteer in our program find it among their most meaningful experiences at UUCC. I hope you will join us! Please let me know if you have any questions and if you think you might be interested.

Jamila Batchelder, Director of Religious Education