Mission and Vision Task force plans listening campaign

Our congregation last adopted Mission and Vision statements more than a decade ago, in May of 2013, after a large-scale listening campaign. Since then our Mission and Vision statements have served us well and guided us through a decade of work together, but also the world has changed dramatically!

Last year our Board of Trustees decided that the time had come to re-visit our Mission and Vision statements through another large-scale process of congregational discussion and discernment. The board recruited and charged a Mission and Vision Task Force to help lead this process. Members are Taylor Gill, Holly Daily, Gretchen Maune and Rebecca Graves, with the support of Rev. Molly.

This is a process that will take all of our input in order to truly reflect the direction of our congregation. We want to learn about your hopes and dreams for our world, for our community, and for our congregation.

To accomplish this, we are planning a series of small group “cottage meetings” this fall and winter, some one-to-one conversations as desired, and a survey to finish the process in the spring. There will be lots of different ways to engage, and we need your help making this effort a success!

After a robust process of as many conversations as possible with members, friends, visitors, stakeholders, and community partners, we will be sharing what we learn with the board and congregation. The board will then develop an edited or brand new Mission and Vision statements, gather further feedback, and eventually bring the Mission and Vision statements before the congregation for a vote.

Possibly more important than the end product of this process are the conversations, thoughts and ideas that will connect us more deeply to one another along the way. We ask everyone affiliated with the congregation to engage with this process to help launch us into the next era of our congregation.

We also invite your volunteerism! We need hosts and facilitators for in-home meetings and facilitators for meetings on Zoom and at church. Contact us by email to volunteer to host, facilitate, or both, and let us know if you have any questions.

Taylor Gill, Holly Daily, Gretchen Maune, Rebecca Graves and Rev. Molly