Church leaders’ October messages

President’s Perspective – President Ruth Milledge

Dear UUCC,

Summer vacation has drawn to a close. The French call this time “la rentrée.” It translates as reentry and conveys a time of recommitment and renewal. In the spirit of “la rentrée,” the UUCC Board of Trustees held our annual retreat on Saturday, Sept. 7. Rev. Molly provided a meaningful time of worship that spoke to our spirits and senses as we settled in to prepare for the coming year.

We tackled a review of church governance documents including bylaws, board calendar, board committees, and Board of Trustees job description. In order to make the information less dry and hopefully more memorable, we created a contest. We were divided into two teams, giving each team half of the documents. Team 1 devised a list of questions about their documents for Team 2 and vice versa. The teams traded documents, and held a friendly, open-book quiz game. We learned about UUCC church governance and about each other’s competitive natures.

Can you express your hopes for UUCC in the form of a collage? Using pastels, markers, paint pens, magazines, scissors, poster board, and glue, each of the Board members did just that. Once we had finished our creations, we shared them and our visions with each other.

We are renewed in our commitment to the process of revising our Mission and Vision Statements. Please review the progress report below from our Mission and Vision Task Force. We hope the congregation will commit to participating in this process.

In community,
Ruth Milledge
2024-25 President

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Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon

Dear UU Churchers,

This October we turn our attention to “Care for Difference” amid a time of deep division and polarization in our country and world. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that human difference is sacred and enriching. But we also know that we live in a world where difference is often met with fear, threat, or oppression, and that the meeting point of difference and fear can be a source of violence when paired with power.

Our differences matter in a ways that are beautiful AND difficult, and they require intentionality and care. Perhaps that care looks like an attempt to listen and understand when someone’s behavior is incomprehensible to us. Perhaps that care looks like defending those whose difference is threatened by inhumane policy or outright violence. Perhaps that care looks like a clear power analysis that resists the constant invitation to care only for those like us. Perhaps that care looks like resisting, in our own hearts and in public, the ways our culture invites us to “other” and dehumanize.

As with most care, a care for difference starts with our own spiritual work, as it then spirals outward to extend to those we know, those we do not know, and all creatures. One powerful spiritual practice is remaining present to others, noticing and delighting in difference, all the while reminding ourselves of the words of Wade Davis: “Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.”

Let’s rejoice in our difference together this month!

See you in church,
Rev. Molly

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Jamila Batchelder, Director of Religious Education

The start of our year in Religious Education took a surprising turn for me, as my daughter developed pneumonia and ended up hospitalized for almost a week. Suddenly all my carefully organized plans went out the window.

There is that old line “life is what happens when you are making other plans.” As I had planned meticulous lessons to teach about our yearlong theme of creating a culture of care, I instead got to live it, as my whole family was held so tenderly by this congregation.

I still have big plans for this year! But I know that beyond lessons and curricula, we will be learning most when we show our children how we show up for each other. This is an amazing community, Thank you again for showing up for me.

Jamila Batchelder
Director of Religious Education

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Violet Vonder Haar, Director of Music Ministry

UUCC Choir is back! All members of our church community are invited to join us on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. for rehearsals. Whether you’re an experienced singer or just starting out, all voices are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary. Our inclusive and supportive environment is designed to help you grow as a singer and be part of a wonderful musical community. Come and be a part of something special as we share the joy of music together. I look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Sunday performance dates:

  • Oct. 20
  • Nov. 24
  • Dec. 22

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