Almost 50 members and friends participated in a number of cottage meetings in October and November to obtain feedback about UUCC’s mission, vision, and purpose. The Mission/Vision Task Force is now taking a break until January when more cottage meetings will be scheduled.
The meetings consist of six to eight people, led by a trained facilitator, reflecting on several questions about the life of the church and your life. There will be meetings at the church, in UU Churchers’ homes and on Zoom, so choose the one most accessible to you. Your collective feedback will be reported to the board and the congregation in May and will inform an update to our mission statement as a congregation. Be on the lookout for the schedule of meetings in January.
Our congregation last adopted Mission and Vision statements more than a decade ago, in May of 2013, after a large-scale listening campaign. Since then our Mission and Vision statements have served us well and guided us through a decade of work together, but also the world has changed dramatically.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the Mission and Vision Team.