Election concerns boost attendance, spark strategy brainstorming

Our worship attendance spiked in the Sundays before and after the Nov. 5 general election, bringing our average attendance for November to 111, a 28% increase from the October average of 87.

We held an initial congregational strategy meeting after worship on Sunday, Nov. 17 to imagine how we can deepen our solidarity in this time. Twenty-one UU churchers attended, connected with one another, and mapped out the resources that we can bring to this moment. An excellent group of four volunteered at that meeting to become a leadership team to move the conversation forward.

On Monday, Nov. 18, all of the UU ministers serving congregations in Missouri gathered in our Greeting Area to discuss how we can work together as UU congregations to further our shared values and justice work in our state. The ministers anticipate building out some sort of justice and advocacy network serving the entire state. The ministers in attendance represented Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia, and St. Louis – all of the places with minister-served UU Churches in Missouri. To our knowledge, such a gathering had never before occurred.