On Jan. 26, the Membership Team and the Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon hosted the first “Getting to Know UU Newcomer Retreat.” Fifteen newcomers got to know each other and the church through discussion, videos and songs. Approximately 20 members and friends then joined the newcomers for a light dinner. Our next Newcomers Retreat will be held on Sunday, June 8. Please welcome the newcomers at the Ingathering Ceremony during worship on Feb. 2.
UUCC has welcomed more visitors since the election, and we are joyful that they have found us. In the spirit of our mission statement, let us all be greeters. If you see someone you don’t yet know, please introduce yourselves, ask questions, be welcoming, and include them in your conversations.
Members who joined us in 2024 now have their pictures and names posted on the board by the wooden credenza in the greeting area. Please forgive my oversight and let the Membership Team know if you should also be “on the wall”.
Some of our younger attendees may be “over” the downstairs nametag. So, if your child is in the 5th to 8th grades and would like an upstairs nametag, please email the Membership Team with the spelling of their name, as well as their preferred pronouns if desired. Also, please reach out with any questions, comments or updates on your own name tag.,
We invite you to be a greeter; it’s a great way to meet people. Sign up to greet.
Respectfully submitted.
Patty Daus, UUCC Membership Team