The Faith-to-Action recipient for March 2025, is MADP (Missouri Alternatives to the Death Penalty). MADP works to stop executions by working with legal teams to advocate for justice for those condemned to death and to uplift the humanity of those on death row. As an active execution state, Missouri needs your help in this important work.
You will hear more about this worthy organization during Sunday worship service Faith-to-Action collections. Please donate as you are able, either online or in the old-fashioned way….in the collection plate!
Recent Faith-to-Action collection results:
- July: $862.06 for Mobility Worldwide
- August: $1,174.25 for No More Deaths
- September: $1,325.27 for the Honduras Ministry Team.
- October: $1,382.27 for the Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Team.
- November: $1,574.30 for the Pink Haven Coalition
- December: $1,063.94 for Caring Hearts and Hands of Columbia
- January: $2,057.88 for the Boone County Community Bail Fund
2025 Honduras Service Trip
The Honduras Ministry Team held its last fundraiser on Feb. 9 with a Valentine’s bake sale. Thank you for all the generous contributions! Almost $750 was raised!
It looks like the main road from La Ceiba to the Cangrejal River Valley has been rebuilt after it was destroyed by Hurricane Sara, and everything is just about ready for the UUCC group to arrive on March 23. There will be 12 people in the group.
The UUCC team will be funding and helping build 10 latrines in two different communities in the River Valley. They will be bringing along solar chargers, solar lights, construction tools and mosquito nets to leave with the communities.
They are also accepting donations of used summer children’s clothing, school supplies, unexpired over the counter medications and soccer supplies. There is a big yellow box in the wardrobe area of the church where you can leave donations. The group will bring all donations in suitcases that will be left there. The suitcases are very appreciated as storage units in families’ homes.
Only 12 people will be going on the trip, but they absolutely could not do it without the incredible support and enthusiasm of the whole congregation! Thank you!
Please email Allie Gassmann if you would like to get involved!
Thanks for feeding our food barrel
On Jan. 30 Steve and Joan Mudrick took 97 pounds of “assorted food items” from our food barrel to the Food Bank Market on the Business Loop. Thanks to all who have been feeding our barrel, which is helping to feed community members. Everyone is invited to feed our barrel!
Loaves and Fishes update
UUCC maintains a fund to reimburse members and friends for the cost of their donated food. Anyone who is hesitant to participate in the food donation because of the cost of the food can submit a voucher and a receipt for reimbursement.
UUCC now has a dropdown item on the website donation page so you can donate directly to this fund. At present, your donations are the only mechanism to replenish this Fund. If you would like to support the Loaves and Fishes meals, but are unable to prepare food or be a server, you can donate to the Reimbursement Fund.