Faith-to-Action Collections
UUCC conducts Faith-to-Action (FTA) collections for specific causes and groups throughout the year. These collections are made via traditional Sunday Service collections in collection plates, as well as online. In this way, UUCC members can collectively show their support for organizations, programs and causes that are actively engaged in addressing needs and bringing social justice to our community. It is a way to project UU values into our community and to foster connections between the UUCC and social service and justice organizations.
The Social Action Team announced the following Faith-to-Action recipients for September 2024 through August 2025:
- Boone County Community Bail Fund
- Caring Hearts and Hands of Columbia
- Children’s Grove Kindness Libraries
- CoMo Bike Co-Op
- First Chance for Children
- Heart of Missouri Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
- MICA Project (Migrant and Immigrant Community Action)
- Minority Men’s Network Educational Foundation
- Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty (MADP)
- Pink Haven Coalition
- UUCC Honduras Team
- UUCC Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Team
Read descriptions of the organizations.
We have two Sundays per month when collections are 100% dedicated to the monthly FTA recipient. Collections on other Sundays are 100% dedicated to the church. Online donors can clearly distinguish between FTA donations and general UUCC support. Amounts collected are announced in our monthly newsletter.
Selection Criteria: Nominees may be local, regional, national, or international organizations, programs, or agencies that align with our church mission and vision. Preference will be given to local or regional efforts wherein members of the congregation have an ongoing working relationship. Three months are initially reserved for nominees that have not been FTA recipients within the past three years. These months will be released for other nominees if there are no “new” nominees. Note also that, at this time, the Social Action Team intends to contribute directly to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, so no nomination of the UUSC is needed.