Grounds Team
Our Grounds Team is a large, loosely organized group of volunteers who pitch in to maintain land and plantings around the church building. We communicate and plan our activities in an organic fashion, gathering in small groups to do hands-on work.
We aim to nurture a diverse ecosystem that includes native and non-native plants, to promote soil health, and to support a rich diversity of animal life. We also aim to support church members and friends by providing, as we are able, accessible and beautiful natural spaces in which all can relax, play, contemplate, celebrate, and deepen connections. We strive to work intentionally, to observe and learn, and to experience connection with all in our environment.
We welcome all who want to join us in this endeavor! Please reach out to co-chairs Carol Arnold and Patty Daus by email. We’d love to get to know you, find out about your interest and availability, and include you in our communication and opportunity loops!
Grounds Team activities are shown in the slideshow below. Click the left or right arrow to go to the next or previous photo.