Register/Log Out
If you are not registered, you may use this page to register. If you are registered and logged in, you may use this this page or the logout link in the sidebar to logout (but note that you will automatically be logged out if you close your browser).
If you are registering, note these requirements for your username:
- Your username must consist of at least five characters, which can be lower-case letters and/or numerals.
- Capital letters are not allowed.
- Symbols are not allowed.
- Your email address cannot be used as your username.
You will receive an email confirming that you registered, but your registration will not be active until it is approved by the website administrator. You will receive another email when your registration is approved.
Registrations will be approved only for the following:
- Members: Persons who have formally joined UUCC as members.
- Friends: Persons who attend UUCC, participate in church activities, and support the church financially. Most persons in this category are listed in our online directory.
- Participants: Parents whose children are enrolled in and regularly attend religious education classes, or persons who have visited multiple times and have begun to participate in church activities, but who have not yet committed financial support to the church.
Approval of registrations may be delayed if the website administrator needs to consult with other church personnel to determine the eligibility of friends not listed in our online directory or participants.
Caution: Once you have an approved registration, keep a secure record of your username and password and enter them exactly as provided when trying to log in. If you unsuccessfully attempt to log in or recover a password four times within five minutes, you will be locked out from logging in or attempting to recover a password for a half hour – this is a security measure to prevent people from attempting to guess other persons’ login credentials.