Annual Pledge Giving
We are united by our shared mission and values, a deep love for one another and an unwavering commitment to social justice, diversity and inclusion. Our spirits are nourished by inspiring worship services, religious education programs, a host of ministries, and other volunteer-supported activities which require the leadership, expertise and support of our dedicated staff. The annual campaign gifts provide about 90% of the revenue we need.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia is financially autonomous. We do not have a diocese or umbrella organization to support us if we fail to meet our annual operating budget needs. Annual pledges form a solid foundation for our church’s finances, giving us a good idea of funds we can expect to receive in support of the work we envision for the coming year.
So what is a pledge? It is a non-binding promise to donate money to the church within a 12-month period. If unexpected financial challenges come up for your family during the year, please let us know and we will adjust your commitment per your instructions immediately.
The annual pledge campaign is held each year in late winter. During the campaign, every household in our community is invited to make a promise of financial support. The pledge you make and honor keeps the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia thriving. It is one of the ways we fulfill our promises to each other. Pledges are also made throughout the year by new members and friends as they realize the value they find here. During the annual campaign, you will be able to pledge via a provided link on our website or by submitting a paper pledge.
To make a pledge at a time other than the annual pledge campaign, go to the Year-Round Pledge Form.
If you need to make changes to an existing pledge, please contact the Church Administrator.
When you pledge during the annual pledge campaign, your pledge payments will begin the following July 1. You may pay your pledge in a variety of ways – annually, monthly, or weekly via online payment, text, check, or automatic bank drafts. These are all safe, secure and convenient ways to give. Our church uses the Breeze church management system, which uses the Stripe online payment platform to process donations. This ensures the security of transactions processed over the internet because transactions through the Breeze and Stripe websites, as well as our website, are protected by SSL encryption. If you put your pledge in the Sunday offering plate, label your check as your pledge on the memo line. For cash, place it in an envelope with your name so it can be credited to you.
We think of generosity as a spiritual practice, a practice that opens our hearts and expands our joy. So ultimately, any pledge amount that is meaningful for you is appropriate and very much appreciated. Your gift is more than fulfilling a promise. It’s one of the many ways we care for our community.