If you have questions about any of the information below, contact Church Administrator Suzanne Clark at 573-442-5764 or by email.
The Searchlight – Our Monthly Newsletter
- Published: Monthly year-round
- Deadline: Noon on the third Monday each month
- Length: 150-200 Words
- Content: Information about church functions and church-related activities. Graphics may be submitted. Submission guidelines.
- How to Submit: Send to Church Administrator by email.
Weekly News Update – Wednesday Email to All Members/Friends
- Deadline: Wednesdays at noon
- Length: Shorter is better!
- Content: Items directly related to UUCC, UUA, or organizations with which we have a formal relationship.
- Can contain links and small graphics.
- How to Submit: Send to Church Administrator by email.
- Deadline: No deadline
- Length: Shorter is better, or include a link.
- Content: Upcoming events, discussions, etc.
- How to Submit: Post directly to Facebook, or if you are not on Facebook you may send email to our Social Media Inbox.
- Official UUCC Facebook Page (moderated)
- Unofficial UUCC Group Page (unmoderated)
Order of Service Announcements Insert
- Deadline: Wednesdays at noon
- Length: 60 words or less
- Content: Upcoming events, notices, UU-related information
- Note: In an effort to save paper, we discourage multiple inserts.
- How to Submit: Send to Church Administrator by email.
Flyers and Pamphlets
- Fliers or pamphlets are sometimes a good choice for publicity. They can be placed in the Greeting Area, prepared for inclusion in the Sunday Order of Service, posted on the website, and/or mailed.
- Please do your own typing and layout. Material should be “camera ready.” If this isn’t possible, please contact the church administrator as soon as possible so time can be scheduled to prepare your flier.
- Please be sure your committee’s budget can accommodate the printing and mailing costs.
- Deadline: No deadline – but weekly updates are done on Sundays.
- Length: No limit
- Content: Scheduled events and activities are posted on the website calendar by the Church Administrator. All other website content must be sent to and approved by the Webmaster. Digital photo submissions are welcomed. See submission guidelines.
- How to Submit Calendar Items: Send to Church Administrator by email.
- How to Submit Other Website Content: Send to Webmaster by email.
Bulletin Boards
- You are welcome to add flyers and announcements to the bulletin boards.
- Please use the section of the bulletin board that relates to the category of your posting.
- UUCC staff may move or remove items that are not timely or that are inappropriate.
- Mailboxes are provided for church staff members, board members, committees and teams, and occasionally, other volunteers.
- The mailboxes are located on the bookshelf in the hallway opposite the Minister’s office.
- Please check your mailbox every time you are at the church. Messages and other important information are frequently left in the mailboxes by staff members and members of the congregation. You can also communicate with others by leaving items in their mailboxes.
- Please read what you get in your mailbox! This mode of communication cuts the church’s postage expense.