On the evening of Jan. 26, 2019, about 60 members and friends of UUCC gathered for the second annual Founders’ Day Services Auction. As shown in the photo slideshow below, the room was full of laughter and conversation as attendees browsed the services generously donated by our community and enjoyed an array of heavy appetizers and dessert items prepared by volunteers as well as beer and wine donated by Broadway Brewery.

Auctioned services included baked goods, luxurious dinners, exciting game nights, lessons and assistance of all kinds, caregiving, and hand-crafted works of art – view a list of the offerings. In all, there were 45 services on offer during the silent auction. Several thousand dollars were raised for the church’s general operating fund – the exact amount will be announced here when all the bids and expenses are totaled. Update as of Feb. 13: About $4,200 was raised by the auction.

The success of the event was only possible because of the UUCC community’s willingness to share their abilities and resources generously, and with great enthusiasm. The crowd was entertained by the Joy Boys (Scott Denson and Peter Holmes) and the jazz duo Standard Deviation (Alan Arnold and Neil Minturn), who further demonstrated the great talents within our church.

The hard-working Auction Team consisted of Lisa Fritsche, lead organizer and general communications; Chelsea Otten, donations manager; Maria Oropallo, ticket sales and collections; Tim Dickerson, food and beverage coordinator; Scott Denson, entertainment coordinator; and Patty Daus and Elaine Martin, setup coordinators. Setup helpers were Kathy Bergman and Barbara Carter. Helping with cleanup were Roger and Kathy Nettleton and Kevin Fritsche.

Appetizers were prepared and donated by Barbara Rupp, Patty Daus, Tim Dickerson, Todd Iveson, Maria Oropallo, Rosie Geiser and Steve Scott.

Desserts were provided by Kathy Nettleton, Lisa Fritsche, Todd Iveson, Joe and Meredith Donaldson, Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, Kathie Bergman, Win Colwill, Patty Daus, and Sue Pereira.

Non-alcoholic sparking grape juice was donated by Melissa McConnell, Maria Oropallo, and Holly Daily.

Steve Scott took the photos in the following slideshow. Click the arrows to see the next or previous photos.