We observed the 67th anniversary of our church’s founding at the 9 and 11 a.m. worship services on Jan. 28, 2018. The services featured performances by a special mass choir and reflections from members across the years about the meaning of this community.

The worship services also included dedication of a beautiful new chalice! The late Naoma Powell made the chalice we’ve been using for many years after the congregation’s previous one broke, and it was always intended to be temporary. Naoma’s chalice served us long and well, but was showing signs of wear. To protect this beloved artifact, it has been officially “retired” from active duty but will always have a place in our sanctuary and will still be used for special occasions. The new chalice is larger and will be easier to see from all parts of the sanctuary, in keeping with the needs of our growing congregation. It was dedicated with Naoma’s own words of dedication.

The photos in the slideshow below were taken at the 11 a.m. worship service by Andrew Twaddle (denoted “AT” in captions) and Steve Scott (denoted “SS”) in captions. Click the arrows to see the next or previous photos.