June 3, 2018 – Down by the Riverside
About 55 UUs including 15 children enjoyed the 12th annual “Down by the Riverside” worship service at 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 3, 2018. The service was followed by a potluck luncheon. Meanwhile, back at the church, the 10:30 a.m. worship service featured the same content for those unable or unwilling to travel to the riverside.
As in past years, the riverside gathering took place at Katfish Katy’s Campground on the Missouri River at Huntsdale. Our members Linda Lou and Robert Brown no longer own Katfish Katy’s, but the new owner gave us permission to use our usual site this year and last year.
The slideshow photos and the video below were shot by Steve Scott.
Peter Holmes delivered his homily, “Love Your Mother.” The video starts with the
phrase “Scientific Logic assumes inquiry is value free” on page 2 of the homily text.