The 10:30 a.m. worship service on Oct. 24, 2021 marked our first indoor, in-person service since March 1, 2021. The Covid pandemic led to online worship only starting March 8, 2021 until we regathered outdoors in person in late September this year. The Oct. 24 service originally was to be held outdoors but was moved into the Sanctuary because of rain.
“Preparing the Table” was Rev. Molly’s sermon title on Oct. 24. The sermon introduced the “Rising to the Moment” Accessibility Campaign that will allow our church to install an elevator, automatic doors and other improvements. Accessibility Campaign Team members Melissa Ensign Bedford and Ruth Milledge testified in support of the campaign. Read more. The service also included a New Member Ingathering. See a video and the text of Rev. Molly’s sermon here.
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