Personnel Policies
UUCC Personnel Policy Manual – May 2002
Note: Personnel policies are currently being reviewed and revised by the Personnel Committee. Until that task is completed, the following personnel policies remain in effect.
1. Policy on Policies
A. Adoption and Revision
B. Purpose and Application
C. Responsibilities
D. Availability
2. Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
3. Calling and Hiring of Staff
A. Ministerial Staff
B. Director of Youth Religious Education
C. Church Administrator
D. Music Director
4. Job Descriptions
5. Performance Evaluation
6. Hours of Work
A. Ministerial Staff
B. Director of Youth Religious Education, Administrative Staff, and Music Staff
7. Benefits Eligibility Criteria
8. Vacations
9. Paid Holidays
10. Leave
A. Paid Sick Leave
B. Bereavement Leave
C. Family or Medical Leave
D. Jury Duty
E. Military Leave
11. Termination of Staff
A. Ministerial Staff
B. Part and Full-Time Employees
12. Reimbursement of Expenses – Ministerial and Other Professional Staff
13. Dispute Resolution
A. Disputes Among Ministers Not in Co-Ministry
B. Disputes Between Minister(s) and Administrative Assistant
C. Other Regular Full and Part-time Staff
14. Confidentiality
15. Benefits
Appendix A – Sexual Harassment
Appendix B – Background Check Appendix
C – Statement of Confidentiality
1. Policy on Policies
A. Adoption and Revision
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia Personnel Policy Manual (the Personnel Manual) shall become effective upon its adoption by the Board of Trustees and shall be reviewed annually thereafter by the Board and revised as the Board deems necessary.
B. Purpose and Application
The Personnel Manual is established to provide direction and consistency in the management and administration of the Church’s personnel matters. In no way does the Manual create a contract between the Church and an employee. Policies herein shall have no effect on any existing employment contract. Employment contracts negotiated subsequent to the adoption of the Personnel Manual shall conform to its policies.
The policies herein apply to regular full-time and part-time staff members including ministerial, professional, and support staff except as noted herein. The policies do not apply to temporary employees or volunteers. A regular part-time employee is defined as one who works for UUCC either with a contract or a letter of agreement.
C. Responsibilities
The Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for administration of the policies herein, and may delegate that responsibility, as it deems appropriate.
The Personnel Committee will be responsible for the development of personnel policy and evaluation as directed by the Board of Trustees.
All current staff members will be responsible for reading, and must acknowledge having read, this Personnel Manual upon its adoption by the Board of Trustees. Thereafter, each new employee will be required to read and acknowledge having read the manual at the time he or she is hired.
D. Availability
The Manual will be on file and readily accessible in the Church Office.
2. Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia (UUCC) is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of UUCC to:
Recruit, hire, train, and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, color, religion, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, age, national origin, or any other factor not having a direct bearing on ability to perform the duties of the position being filled.
Base employment decisions so as to further the principle of equal employment opportunity.
Ensure that all personnel actions such as promotion selections, compensation, benefits, and Church-sponsored training opportunities are administered fairly and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, age, national origin or any other non-job-related factor.
UUCC is committed to the practices of affirmative action and outreach to increase diversity among staff. UUCC has designated the Personnel Committee to coordinate and monitor the Church’s affirmative action/equal opportunity policy.
3. Calling and Hiring of Staff
All regular part and full-time staff will have a contract or letter of agreement stating conditions of employment. Original copies will be in file in office in personnel folders. Each employee must receive his or her own copy.
A. Ministerial Staff
The congregation as per the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia shall call all ministers and associate ministers. The supervisor will be the Board of Trustees.
B. Director of Youth Religious Education
The Board of Trustees shall appoint a search committee to be chaired by a member of the Religious Education Committee. The Board of Trustees will confirm the candidate after consultation with the minister. Supervisor will be the Religious Education Committee.
C. Church Administrator
The Board of Trustees shall work with the Senior Minister and the Personnel Committee to find a candidate for the position of Church Administrator. The Board of Trustees will confirm the candidate. Supervisor will be the Board of Trustees.
D. Music Director
The Board of Trustees shall appoint a music search committee who in consultation with minister shall fill the position of Music Director. The Music Director shall sign a contract or letter of agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia. Supervisor will be the Worship Associates.
4. Job Descriptions
Each regular full-time and part-time position shall have a written job description, which includes the duties and responsibilities, hours per week and reporting relationships of the position. Job descriptions may be changed or amended from time to time as major responsibilities change. Job descriptions should be reviewed annually and will be renegotiated by the employee and supervisor.
This job description will be on file in the church office and each employee should have his or her own copy.
5. Performance Evaluation
All new employees with the exception of the minister shall have a performance review with their supervisor after three months of employment so that both parties can assess the fit; identify areas in which the employee needs help, and acknowledge areas in which the Church sees unusual contributions. Until this three-month review, either party may terminate employment without cause.
After the three-month review, performance evaluation shall take place annually. The annual review should cover the following areas:
Performance in the areas of essential work
Accomplishments and results
Factors contributing to the employee’s success
Performance deficiencies (if applicable)
Goals for the coming year
Both parties should have the opportunity to cover the above areas, as well as to develop an action plan for the following year.
The results of the performance review should be printed, signed by both parties, and a copy given to the employee. Copies of annual reviews should be kept in the employee’s permanent file in the church office. The Chair of the Personnel Committee will be responsible for maintaining the file in a locked cabinet with limited access at the church.
The annual evaluations provide the basis for salary recommendations by Personnel Committee to the Finance committee and then Board of Trustees.
6. Hours of Work
A. Ministerial Staff
The duties shall be specified in the Minister(s)’ contract and job description.
B. Director of Youth Religious Education, Administrative Staff, and Music Staff
Duties are specified in the contract and job description. The job description states number of hours to be worked each week. Hours of work are to be mutually agreed upon with employee’s supervisor. Employees will be paid monthly.
Compensatory Time & Extended Work Hours: No overtime shall be worked unless authorized by supervisor. Compensatory time may be used for extended work hours and will be taken as soon as practical. It will not be accumulated in large amounts or used to extend vacation time.
Time Sheets: Hourly time sheets shall be maintained for the Church Administrator and signed by the employee’s supervisor (the Board.)
7. Benefits Eligibility Criteria
Benefit eligibility is defined by the UUA as 1000 hours worked in one year.
8. Vacations
Benefit eligible employees will accrue paid vacation at the rates listed below. The amount of paid vacation will be prorated based on the number of hours worked in an average week. The timing and length of any one vacation period will be negotiated with the supervisor.
For a length of service less than 5 years, annual vacation accrual is 2 weeks with a maximum accrual of 4 weeks.
For a length of service of from 5 to 15 years, annual vacation accrual is 3 weeks with a maximum accrual of 6 weeks.
For a length of service over 15 years, annual vacation accrual is 4 weeks with a maximum accrual of 8 weeks.
9. Paid Holidays
The following holidays are observed:
Martin Luther King Day
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Full-time employees shall be paid for these days as if they had worked those days. If a paid holiday falls on a weekend, then an appropriate Friday or Monday will be designated as a paid holiday. Benefits eligible employees will be paid for the number of hours they would have worked on that day.
10. Leave
A. Paid Sick Leave
Sick leave is for personal illness or for the illness of a member of the immediate family (spouse, domestic partner, child or parent or sibling), on days when the employee would ordinarily be working. A doctor’s statement may be required after three consecutive days of sick leave have been taken.
Paid sick leave accrues at the rate of 1 day per month. Compassion leave in the case of extended illness by an employee or a family member, may be granted by the employee’s supervisor until the next Board of Trustees meeting. The Board of Trustees will determine the extent and terms of any continuing compassion leave.
Up to twelve days of unused sick leave may be accumulated. Up to one week of sick leave may be used as an extension of personal leave to attend an ill immediate family member. Unused sick leave has no cash value upon termination of employment.
B. Bereavement Leave
All benefits eligible employees may request up to three working days of bereavement leave for immediate family (spouse, domestic partner, employee’s parent or sibling, child) with pay. Bereavement leave is pro-rated for part-time employees.
C. Family or Medical Leave
A full-time employee may take up to twelve weeks of leave for the purpose of giving birth or the adoption of a minor child, or for personal or family illness. During paid leave UUCC will continue to pay the established contribution for health insurance premiums and any other benefits for which the employee is eligible to be paid or accrued. Benefits will not be paid or accrued during unpaid leave. The employee has the option to pay for benefits during unpaid leave. The employee on parental leave must use accrued sick time and vacation time before becoming eligible for unpaid leave. It is the responsibility of the employee to provide the Church with as much notice as possible.
D. Jury Duty
Any employee called for jury duty must give immediate notice to their supervisor and provide documentation. They will be excused from work for the actual duration of the jury service and paid regular salary less jury service pay. It is preferred that employees will request postponement of jury duty to summer months (June-August).
E. Military Leave
Employee may request up to two weeks unpaid leave for military reservist duty.
11. Termination of Staff
A. Ministerial Staff
As ministers are called by the congregation, involuntary termination of a minister’s relationship with the church can occur only with a vote of termination by the congregation. In some circumstances the Board of Trustees may be able to terminate the relationship. Procedure for such action is found in the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia.
B. Part and Full-Time Employees
Involuntary termination shall be through a vote of the Board of Trustees. Following are some, but not all, causes for involuntary termination:
Unsatisfactory Work Performance: If an employee’s work performance is determined to be unsatisfactory, pursuant to a performance appraisal or at any other time, the employee shall be notified how or why his or her work performance is unsatisfactory and what steps must be taken to bring his or her work up to satisfactory standards. Any performance improvement plan needs clear, specific goals. Whenever the unsatisfactory work performance involves serious deficiencies, the notice shall be in writing. An employee may be put on probation for up to three months, or terminated, where there is a single instance of a serious performance deficiency or repeated instances of minor performance deficiencies. If at the end of a period of probation an employee’s work performance is not brought up to satisfactory standards, his/her employment may be terminated, or the probation may be extended. If an employee on probation brings his or her work up to satisfactory standards during a probationary period, probation shall be terminated.
Improper Behavior, Misconduct and Illegal Acts: If an employee is involved in improper behavior or misconduct, he or she will be notified orally or in writing that such conduct must cease. In instances where the improper behavior or misconduct is serious, the employee may also be put on probation for a period of up to two months, suspended or terminated. If an employee is convicted of illegal activities, the employee may be immediately suspended pending investigation, or terminated.
Termination: All probationary steps may be waived when the Personnel Committee, in conjunction with the employee’s immediate supervisor, determines an immediate termination of employment is mandated by circumstances.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to terminate employment without cause with two week’s notice in instances of reorganization or shortage of funds.
12. Reimbursement of Expenses – Ministerial and Other Professional Staff
It is the policy of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia to encourage professional growth and development of ministerial and other professional staff by reimbursing such staff for approved legitimate expenses related to church-related conferences, professional association expenses, denominational conferences, continuing education, and other related obligations. Employment contracts shall reflect this policy in the manner deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees and within budget.
13. Dispute Resolution
A. Disputes Among Ministers Not in Co-Ministry
Should disputes arise between and/or among professional staff, such disputes shall first be presented for resolution to an ad hoc Board of Trustees subcommittee. If the dispute is not resolved through the auspices of the ad hoc Board of Trustees subcommittee, it shall be presented to the Board of Trustees.
B. Disputes Between Minister(s) and Administrative Assistant
Dispute resolution procedures shall be as in “A” above.
C. Other Regular Full and Part-time Staff
A regular full- or part-time employee who has a work-related problem may follow the following procedure, with no fear of reprisal:
Step 1. Most problems can best be resolved between the employee and his/her supervisor. If the response is not satisfactory, and the problem remains unresolved, the employee may take the problem to the next step.
Step 2. The employee will prepare a written outline of the problem and submit this to her/his supervisor. Within three working days, the supervisor will also prepare a written summary and will submit both to respective committees.
Step 3. The ad hoc Board of Trustees subcommittee will review the reports of the employee, his/her supervisor. The Committee shall meet with the employee and his/her supervisor within ten days in another effort to resolve the dispute. If the problem remains unresolved, the next step is available.
Step 4. The employee may request a hearing with the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The employee must submit a written request for such a hearing, through the Personnel Committee, within three working days after Step 3. The meeting with the Executive Committee must be held within 30 days of the request. A member of the Personnel Committee will attend. The Committee must respond to the employee in writing within 10 days of the meeting, and this response shall be final.
14. Confidentiality
All non-ministerial regular staff members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia shall, upon hire, sign an Agreement of Confidentiality (Appendix C).
15. Benefits
No employee benefits are to be provided other than described herein or in their contract.
Appendix A – Sexual Harassment
Policy Statement Regarding Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual overtures, touching or making employment opportunities or other rewards dependent on an individual responding positively to requests for sexual favors. The creation of a hostile or intimidating work environment through the telling of jokes of a sexual nature, circulation of pornographic materials or their availability in public places, or comments about physical attributes of employees may also constitute sexual harassment. Such harassment may occur via mail, Electronic mail, telephone, etc.
Sexual harassment often involves the use of intimidation or power. It does not prevent one employee from making a social overture to another, but the invited individual must be able to decline the overture without a penalty.
The church subscribes to the idea that the culture of the organization can have profound influence in establishing boundaries for acceptable behavior within the organization. When members of the organization treat each other with respect and courtesy, jokes are not permitted at the expense of another’s race, sex, ethnicity, or clan, it’s much easier to address deviations from acceptable behavior.
Should there be any report or complaint of sexual harassment which may implicate the involvement of any employee, member of the Board* or chair* of a Committee, it is the duty of the Board to fully investigate such reports or complaints and take appropriate action to remedy the problem.
* The members of the Board and chairs of the Committees, because of their position of authority, are also treated as employees.
Appendix B – Background Check
Youth Religious Education Program Security Policy
The volunteer adult teaching staff and the Director of Religious education must undergo background checks before entering into a teaching position or any role where they may be alone, unsupervised, with children in a church-sponsored youth religious education program or activity.
Purpose: This policy is designed, in as much as is possible, to insure the safety and wellbeing of children participating in any activity sponsored by the Youth Religious Education Program of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia.
Implementation: During the teacher training/orientation that occurs each August, or any other time that a new teacher is recruited, the prospective new teacher will be asked to consent to the designated background check and to provide the appropriate personal identification to begin this process. Anyone refusing to do this will not be allowed to teach in the YRE program. A complete list of teachers in the YRE program will be provided to the church administration or designated church official who will initiate the background check, including payment. The process will be repeated every 3 years for teachers in continuous service.
In the event that the background check identifies a problem that would risk the safety of children in the YRE program, the individual would be contacted and asked to meet with the YRE chair and Personnel Committee chair for further inquiry to discuss for further clarification. If sufficient concerns remain regarding the appropriateness of the individual serving as a volunteer teacher, the person would be removed from the teaching staff.
Appendix C – Statement of Confidentiality
Information about members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia shall not be shared with others, either within or outside of the church community, without the express permission of the member or friend.
Examples of confidential information include:
Financial commitments/payments/gifts to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia
Health issues
Family or personal problems for which a member or friend seeks pastoral care
Legal issues that may come to the attention of the church staff
In addition, information contained in the church directory is for the exclusive use of the church and its membership, and is not to be sold or shared outside the church community.