[Adopted Sept. 19, 2013; Amended Oct. 17, 2013]

PURPOSE: The COM’s goal is to promote the spiritual health and well-being of the UUCC and its members. We do this by promoting congregational ownership and fulfillment of the mission; evaluating the church’s ministries, as they relate to our mission and vision; and cultivating open and appropriate communication among the minister, the board, ministry teams and the congregation.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The COM’s actions shall be directed toward the following:

A. Living and modeling shared ministry in its relationships with the Church’s ministers, staff, Board of Trustees and other leaders, and congregation.

B. Recognizing and responding to opportunities to strengthen the Church’s ministry, always keeping in mind the Church’s overall spiritual health.

C. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of the Church’s ministry. The COM may undertake a comprehensive review from time to time. The COM shall report its findings annually to the Board of Trustees.

D. Fostering education that enhances the Church’s ministry. Examples include:

1. Advocating training and experiences that deepen members’ and leaders’ ability to engage actively in the ministries of the Church.

2. Supporting the ongoing professional development of the minister, including sabbaticals.

E. Consulting with and providing support for the minister. The COM will review with the minister any conditions within the congregation that may affect relationships between the minister and Church members and work to strengthen the quality of the relationship.

F. Managing conflict within the Church by working with the Minister, Peace Building Team, the Personnel Committee, and the Board as appropriate.

COMPOSITION OF COM: The COM consists of five or six members of the congregation. The minister serves on the COM ex officio.

TERMS OF MEMBERS AND CHAIRS: Regular members shall serve overlapping three-year terms, typically beginning July 1, the start of the church’s fiscal year. Ideally, the Chair will be a third-year member of COM and the Vice-Chair will be a second-year member.

MEMBERSHIP SELECTION PROCESS: Each spring the COM, in consultation with the minister and the board, develops a list of candidates based on the needs of the committee. Based on this list, candidates are then invited to join. When the full complement of five or six members has been achieved, the names of the proposed new members are presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. If a member leaves the COM, a process similar to the one above may be initiated to select a new member, or the COM may postpone adding a new member until the membership selection process is initiated the following spring.


A. Regular meetings shall be held once per month. Special meetings may be called as needed by either co-chair or by the minister.

B. COM meetings shall be open except upon those occasions when the committee deems it necessary to close all or a portion of a meeting for discussion of confidential matters.

C. The COM will keep written records of its decisions and actions. Because COM records often contain confidential material, they are not open. Access to them by non-COM members must be approved by the COM.

D. The COM will strive to communicate openly and fully on the non-confidential aspects of its work.