[Adopted Dec. 18, 2014]

The Peace Building Team (PBT) is a hybrid body reporting to and supporting both the Board of Trustees and the minister. The PBT envisions a church culture that understands and acts on the belief that conflict between individuals and groups is normal and healthy and provides an opportunity for constructive dialogue and creative change, both on a personal and institutional level.

The PBT is committed to offering: (1) group facilitation, (2) individual or group mediation and (3) education to the congregation, board and staff about the processes of conflict resolution to promote and maintain a healthy culture of peace. The PBT provides forums for members to raise conflicts and concerns in an atmosphere of openness, respect and trust, with the aim of having these conflicts addressed and resolved constructively, creatively and in keeping with UU Principles.

The role of the PBT is to enable a confidential and safe environment for individuals or groups to work through conflicts while preserving relationships. The goal is for parties to a conflict to understand the other parties’ points of view and work together to develop a solution that is clear, mutual and workable. The mediation process shall be confidential, and records shall be kept without names in order to protect identities of the people involved. These records will include only the agreements that are made and will not be shared with the Board of Trustees, the minister, church staff members or other members of the church unless there is a clear and obvious danger involved.

The PBT will have five to seven members selected by current PBT members. The board and minister may make recommendations new PBT members. Prospective PBT members will be submitted for approval by the board. The process for member selection and training will be detailed in policies adopted by the PBT. Prospective members should have demonstrated skills in facilitation and communication as well as a commitment to UU principles. Nominees should be active church members or friends. Church members who are interested in serving on the PBT are encouraged to contact any of the current members, the board or the minister.

The PBT shall meet as needed to fulfill its purpose and shall determine its procedures for dealing with conflicts. PBT procedures and members will be publicized on the church website along with contact information.