Personnel Committee Policy
[Adopted Aug. 15, 2013]
The mission of the UUCC Personnel Committee is to support the hired staff, Board of Trustees and membership by providing consistent and fair definitions and implementation of personnel policies. The committee will provide technical support to both the management and the board by reviewing and maintaining the personnel policy handbook, advising management on hiring and personnel practices and supporting the board on personnel issues.
The Personnel Committee will meet quarterly or on an as-needed basis. The committee will be composed of four to five members. The minister will serve as an ex officio member and not be a voting member of the committee. The board will appoint two committee members who are congregational members in good standing. The minister will appoint one to two members from the congregation who are in good standing as well. Ideally each member will serve a three-year term. The committee will welcome members from the congregation who have human relations or legal experience related to all aspects of employment.
The committee is a hybrid committee, has no staff management authority and shall not participate in the day-to-day personnel decision-making of UUCC.