Ice Cream and Bingo Social August 2021


UUCC Family Service Project, August 2021

Several UUCC families chalked messages of support to the medical staff outside Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Battle Ave. Medical Building.

YRUU High School Youth Service Project, August 2021

To support our hard working health care staff here in Columbia, the youth group chalked messages of support outside South Providence Medical Building, Urgent Care, and University Hospital.


Community Lego Build, July 2021

YRUU High School Youth Group Lock-in, July 2021

The youth group was finally able to meet again in person for an overnight event to welcome new freshman. We had a great time getting to know each other and planning for our new year.

Creating our Altar of Return – June 27, 2021

At long last, we met in person again as we begin our journey back toward in-person church life. The children collected natural materials from the church grounds to create an altar together to reconnect to this place that is sacred to us. We then enjoyed some popsicles and the chance to play on the church grounds together again.

Loaves and Fishes Service Sunday Project

For our January Service Sunday, the youth prepared and served the meal for Loaves and Fishes. They did a fantastic job!

Prepping Salad
Chopping onions
Big kids prep veggies for chili
Making salad dressing
Browning meat for chili
Chopping cucumbers for salad
Potter kids make cornbread
Making salad dressing
Prepping for service
Carrying out the food


Getting cornbread and brownies ready to serve
Service begins!
A not so great photo of some GREAT volunteers!
Our wonderful adult volunteers helping with service
Clean up crew!
Hard at work cleaning up the kitchen
Our fearless leader! Always on the go.

Teddy Bears Wedding in Potter Class

Potter Class learned about rituals of love and commitment, and then Kyna led them in a teddy bears wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony!

New Year’s Resolutions 2020

The DRE New Year’s Resolution of 2019 was to post more photos on our church website. We had a strong first half of the year, and then photo posting dropped off. So for 2020, we renew the resolution to be better about posting photos. Here are a few from the second half of 2019. Soon there will be more up from the first month of 2020.

A typical day in Potter Class with our beloved Mr. Kevin.
A typical day in Schweitzer Class with our beloved Mr. Scott.
Adams Class prepares to watch and discuss Harry Potter.
Thoreau Class has a quiet day learning about the seven principles.
Fun in Spirit Play!
More Fun in Spirit Play!


Our October Service Sunday had lots of sign making for the Climate March…



Our December Service Sunday had lots of cookie making and welcome sign making for our guests at Room at the Inn…


Summer Religious Education

We have been having a blast in summer R.E. ! Jan Weaver has been leading us in developing our connection to the earth and our church property, while having a lot of fun along the way.

Making boats
Plants sale for CCUA
Prepping for CCUA
Learning about (and cooking with!) local food
Making shelters
Making shelters
Making shelters
Making shelters
Making shelters
Making shelters
Spirit Play is having fun too!

Easter Brunch

The YRUU high school youth group organized the annual Easter Brunch fundraiser. We had so much fun! Thank you all who attended!

Attendees enjoyed a delicious lunch.
Kids prepared for the egg hunt to begin.
And the hunt is on!
Eggs can be found just about everywhere!
Kinjal Majumder wins the annual “Who Wears the Bunny Suit?” vote.
Kinjal greets his fans. Thanks for being a good sport!
Our hardworking teens!

March 2019 YRUU High School Youth Group Lay-led Service

The YRUU high school youth group led our worship services on March 17, 2019 on the theme of “Our Sacred Texts,” examining how our favorite books can be treated like sacred texts and sources of spiritual truths.

Naomi Garson plays cello to open the service.
Opening Words from Xander Kent.
Naomi Garson lights the chalice.
Morgan Miller leads centering guided meditation.
Isaac Milarsky shares a reading.
Xander Kent sings “Every Time I Hear That Song.”
Naomi Garson and Ensa Laird share the wisdom they have found in “Winnie the Pooh” and demonstrate the sacred reading practice of lectio divina.
Isaac Milarsky and Morgan Miller demonstrate the spiritual practice of Havruta in a discussion of “Dune” and the value (or lack thereof) of fear.
Morgan Miller shares the life wisdom she found in the book “Numbers” by Rachel Ward.
Naomi Garson, Morgan Miller, and Isaac Milarsky demonstrate the spiritual reading practice floralegium,
Morgan Miller sing “Pray” by Sam Smith.
Ellie Abernathy introduces the spiritual practice of Ignatian Spiritual Imagination.
Mary Frances Bossaller reads “Spring” by Mary Oliver.
Ellie Abernathy closes the service with flute music.


February 2019 Service Project

For our service project this month, we supported the stewardship campaign with an art installation to go with the theme “Speak hope, share love.” We created a banner, pulled by paper airplanes.

After the airplanes were made, we had to take them outside for a test flight!
Cleaning up!

More January 2019 RE

Coming of Age Class competes against their mentors in a foot balloon relay.
Competition gets intense!
Potter Class gathers round Mr. Kevin.



Thoreau Class learns about UU Fannie Farmer who invented the modern cookbook.
Thoreau Class followed in Fannie Farmer’s footsteps and made snack!
Schweitzer class blessed their stuffed animals, and then drew pictures of their favorite pets.
Fun and games in the nursery!

January 2019 Service Sunday

For our January service project, we prepared and held a bake sale to raise money for ArchCity Defenders, a St. Louis organization that provides legal and social service support to low income people facing prosecution. We had a lot of fun, talked about the connection between racism and our criminal justice system, and made $120 for ArchCity Defenders!

January 2019 in R.E.

The Coming of Age Class plans a service project over donuts and Doritos.
Thoreau Class prepares stone soup and talks about sharing.
More soup preparations! It turned out delicious.
Schweitzer Class practices the Chinese characters for “kindness.”

The Holidays in R.E. – 2017

We started off the holiday season with the hanging of the greens.  The Joy Boys entertained us with holiday carols while the children got to work decorating the tree. (Photos by Corinne Mann)

We then had so much fun at our Simple Gifts Workshop, where the children made stockings and ornaments, hand towels and bath salts, perfume and bird feeders. It was inspiring put watching the kids put in so much careful effort to make a beautiful gift.

Youth Choir – Nov. 19, 2017

Chelsea Otten organized and led a performance by the UU Youth Choir of “I Am a Small Part of the World” by Sally Albrecht at the Nov. 19, 2017 worship services. The youths were joined about halfway through the song by the UU Singers. Video time: 3:39 minutes. Listen to a podcast of Rev. Molly’s sermon, “Staying at the Table.”

R.E. Photos for September and October, 2017

Photo permission forms are finally all in! Here are some photos of some what we have been up to in R.E. this semester.

Fun in Spirit Play:

Thoreau Class, learning about their UU identity, makes their own class chalice:

Exploration in the nursery:

YUUTs talk to Rev. Dottie about Sanctuary:

Potter Class Explores the grounds:

Feb. 18, 2017 – YUUTS Class Visits Second Baptist Missionary Church

YUUTS class members and some parents visited Second Baptist Missionary Church on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017 as part of the Neighboring Faith Curriculum. Pastor Clyde Ruffin explained the long and rich history of the church and answered questions. He said the “Second” in the name is from the idea that Christ is first and the church is second, and he discussed the leadership role the church had in fighting for social justice.

Oct. 16, 2016 – YUUTS Class Visits Hindu Temple

The YUUTS Sunday School class visited the Hindu Temple, Shanthi Mandir, on Oct. 16, 2016. Santhi Mandir translates as the Temple of Peace. The students were hosted by Vellore and Anantha Gopalarantnam.