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Join us in an exciting campaign to make important accessibility improvements to our beloved UUCC facility!

Update: Rev. Molly Housh Gordon announced on Dec. 12, 2021 that we have reached our $400,000 goal for this campaign! Any additional funds raised will be used for accessibility needs in addition to those outlined below.

We are raising $400,000 to:

  • Install an elevator
  • Replace old, uneven carpeting throughout the building
  • Add automatic openers to the main entrance and lower level exterior doors
  • Place braille signage throughout the building
  • Install railings to the chancel
  • Repaint some interior walls

We need a fully accessible building to meet our mission of radical welcome, deep connection, and helping to heal the world.

These improvements will serve our congregants of all ages, the many community organizations with which we share our space, the unhoused neighbors who stay at Room at the Inn, and our future selves as our needs change over the years!

Join us to rise to the moment with a gift using the online pledge form below!

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Questions and Answers

Artwork by UU Teen Camille Fajen

What will be included in the project? 

  • A commercial grade elevator
  • New carpeting throughout the building
  • Braille signage throughout the building
  • Automatic doors for the main entrance and the lower level doors
  • Railings to the chancel
  • Interior paint in identified areas

When will the upgrades be made?

The Board of Trustees has formed a committee to gather bids for the project. As soon as the money has been raised and a contractor has been selected, the project will begin. 

How much will the project cost?

Approximately $400,000.

Why are we doing this now?

As we prepare to return to indoor in-person worship (after worshiping online for almost 18 months and outdoors for several weeks), we are acutely aware of how inaccessible our physical space is. Until we make these improvements, going from online to in-person worship will make our services less accessible to our community.

Is this the capital campaign that will include building expansion?

No. The Board of Trustees has decided to push the larger building expansion five to seven years down the road because of our experience during the pandemic. We don’t know what our attendance patterns will be as we regather. The board reached consensus that our accessibility improvements simply could not wait for a longer timeline. We need to come back to a building that is as accessible as our online experience has been.

How do I donate to the accessibility project?

  1. Initiate a direct bank draft and inform the Church Administrator of its purpose.
  2. Write a check to UUCC with Accessibility Project in the memo line.
  3. Transfer Stocks.  Contact Suzanne Clark at 573-442-5764 or by email, and she will walk you through the steps. You (or your financial advisor) will need to complete a form to transfer stocks to UUCC, and all-in-all, it’s pretty simple. 
  4. If you are not ready to contribute now but want to make a pledge to this campaign, you can use the online pledge form below.
  5. If you are ready to make an online contribution now, use the donation form at https://uucomo.org/give/ and specify “Give to 2021-22 Capital Campaign.” Our church will pay a small transaction fee to process your donation, but if you choose, you will be able to cover that fee for the church when you make your gift.

Must I give all of my donation now or can I spread it out over time? 

You can pledge the amount you want to give and spread your payments out over the next two years.

If I donate to the accessibility campaign but efforts fall short, will my donation remain in the accessibility fund until enough funds are raised for this project?

Yes. The response to initial efforts to raise funds is promising, The Board of Trustees is committed to this project and is willing to consider other funding sources if we should fall short of our goal. For instance, already we have applied for and received a grant to cover the cost of the automatic doors.

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Online Pledge Form




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