[Adopted Oct. 22, 2015; revised Oct. 18, 2018]

Any person in the congregation who has a concern about or knowledge of harassment or abuse involving a congregant or staff member of the congregation should bring that concern to the attention of a member of the Safer Congregation Committee. Concerns about misconduct by a minister should be brought to the attention of the committee and the church president, who shall contact the appropriate denominational staff.

The committee will address concerns of harassment, abuse, or misconduct by congregants or staff by hearing from involved parties, determining institutional response, and accessing appropriate support for involved parties and the congregation, whether from denominational staff, local social services, or other resources.

In the case of an allegation of misconduct by one of the congregation’s ministers, the church president will contact the appropriate denominational staff, and the Board of Trustees and Safer Congregation Committee will work together to determine institutional response.

The committee will also serve as a review and response team in cases in which a person participating or seeking to participate in the church has a history of one or more sexual or violent offenses or has been accused of a sexual or violent offense. The committee will meet with the person (and others as appropriate), obtain necessary information, consult with outside experts, and if deemed appropriate, will draft a limited access agreement. The committee will inform the board president of any persons recommended for limited access agreements. The committee will also review all limited access agreements at the review intervals specified in the agreements.