Sept. 23, 2018 – Shower Dedication
On April 9, 2017, members of our congregation voted overwhelmingly to join the growing movement of faith and immigrant communities working to protect immigrants facing deportation by literally offering sanctuary to people at risk of being deported. Since then our Sanctuary Team (Immigrant Ministry) has been working to add a shower to our building so we can provide shelter if necessary.
On Sunday, Sept. 23, 2018 between worship services, Rev. Molly Housh Gordon led us in a dedication blessing of the completed shower built through the generous donations of members and friends and the significant work of volunteers. Rev. Molly’s words of blessing were:
May this shower and this congregation be a space of warmth, shelter, and care for bodies and spirits alike.
May each one who bathes in this shower also know themselves bathed in compassion and care.
As this shower washes dirt and grime from bodies, may every force of dehumanization and fear in our world be washed away by our commitment.
May all who use this shower be refreshed, cleansed, renewed, in whatever way their bodies or spirits desire.
The worship services on Sept. 23 were led by the Sanctuary Team.