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Mission Statement

The UUCC Social Action Team has the mission of mobilizing the congregation in support of social justice by bearing witness to and protesting social injustice, providing service to those in need, and raising funds for groups whose activities are consonant with the social justice mission of the church.

Scope of Activity

The Social Action Team carries out its mission by:

  1. Initiating activity the team deems appropriate to foster justice and dismantle systems of injustice.
  2. Helping our congregation participate with other faith communities and social justice organizations in the Columbia area in the organization and execution of demonstrations in support of the oppressed and in opposition to oppression. This may include rallies, marches, letter writing or simply being present when needed.
  3. Providing services, including but not limited to hosting the Room at the Inn, providing volunteer support for the homeless shelter, providing food and serving at Loaves and Fishes and by supporting the sanctuary mission of the church; supporting the work of other church teams – Sanctuary, Green Sanctuary, Honduras Project, Festival of Sharing – as needed when our work aligns or overlaps.
  4. Soliciting nominations of organizations that do social justice work as potential Faith-to-Action collection recipients; reviewing those nominations to ensure the organizations are ethical, transparent, financially responsible, and consistent with our seven principles; and making final selections of recipients.
  5. Educating ourselves and the congregation on issues of social justice, particularly anti-racism and socioeconomic inequality, and providing opportunities for the congregation to become more educated on those issues.
  6. Articulating our work with the ends statements approved by the UUCC Board of Trustees.

Faith Voices Moral Agenda

At its January 2019 meeting, the Social Action Team reviewed and voted to support the Faith Voices of Columbia Moral Agenda 2019, which was unveiled at a press conference on Feb. 4, 2019 and presented to the Columbia City Council the same evening. Read about the press conference and see a photo in The Columbia Missourian. Our minister, the Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, was one of the spokespersons for Faith Voices of Columbia.

Read the Moral Agenda (PDF)
Sign up to support the Moral Agenda

Meetings and Membership

The Social Action Team meets at 1:30 p.m. on the first Sunday each month via Zoom. All are welcome to participate.

Meetings are open, and everyone is invited to attend and to join the Social Action Team. Membership in the church is strongly encouraged but not required.

The SAT chair is Fred Young – email.


SAT members at the Women’s March on Jan. 21, 2017

Find out more and join us

To join the Social Action Team, please attend a monthly meeting. To find out more, you may also email the Social Action Team leadership.