Strategic Priorities
[Adopted Nov. 16, 2017]
The UUCC Board of Trustees has established three primary priorities for the church to focus on over the next three to five years. While these goals may be revisited and revised as the needs of the church change, they provide a framework for the focus of our efforts in the foreseeable future. These priorities are in line with the mission and the vision of our church.
- Encourage deep connection; clarify a path to service, responsibility, and leadership; facilitate spiritual growth through membership, small group development and adult religious education opportunities.
- Address future building plans and staffing needs to better enable our mission of radical welcome, deep connection, and helping to heal the world.
- Reach outward to Columbia and our Missouri community in a way that enacts our Unitarian Universalist values. Partner with groups outside our church to increase our members’ commitment and active participation in efforts of providing sanctuary, and promoting social action, multi-culturalism, anti-racism, inclusion, and environmental awareness.