General Church News

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Featured this Week

Lay preaching workshop scheduled on Saturday, April 5

Do you have a sermon in you? You almost certainly do. Join Rev. Molly and your Worship Associates in the Sanctuary from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 5 to talk about the art of preaching, ponder big and beautiful questions, play with writing prompts and ideas, and discover the sermon in you.

There will be follow up opportunities for those who want to go home and complete their sermon over the following weeks… and potentially preach it over the summer! 

Please register ahead of time at this link. Childcare will be available with at least one week’s notice.

April Searchlight is now available

In case you overlooked the email publication earlier today of our monthly electronic newsletter, The Searchlight, you can view it on the Current Newsletter page. The April issue and past issues are also available on the Newsletter Download page.

Stewardship campaign was a big success

Annual Giving Chair Christine Heath and Rev. Molly report that our stewardship campaign for the 2025-26 fiscal year was extremely successful. The total pledged exceeded the aggressive goal of a 9% increase over current year pledges, allowing us to increase our budget from $327,000 this year to more than $356,000 for the next fiscal year starting July 1. Here is a summary of pledging for 2025-26:

  • Total pledges increased from $306,811 to $351,101, an increase of 12.5%.
  • The number of pledging units increased from 118 to 128. Of the 128 pledges, 18 were first-time pledges, and more than 60 were increased pledges.
  • The 68 online pledges included 7 first-time pledges and 40 increased pledges
  • 66% of those who pledged online increased their pledges between 5% and 15%.

The goal of a 9% increase in giving sought to fully fund our congregation’s growing budgetary needs, including a long-deferred compensation increase for our staff. With the actual pledging increase of 12.5%, we will be able to not only live our values well as an employer, but also meet increasing required costs like insurance and utilities, and provide funds for new, revitalized, and emerging ministry programs.

Rev. Molly said: “I am especially moved by this result as it stands in stark contrast to the deadly austerity and cuts to social services we see at the state and federal level this year. Our congregation has responded to that reality with courage and commitment. This result, created by every single gift of every size, communicates a sense of abundance and an investment in the way we want to live together, with love at the center and care for the collective reaching out. It shows us that we can thrive together, even and especially now.”

Christine and Molly thanked the congregation you for its support. Rev. Molly also thanked the entire Stewardship Team for the successful campaign, and she gave extra big thanks to Christine for chairing the team and to Kevin Fritsche for coordinating an extremely effective steward follow-up process.

UUA seeks feedback on proposed Study/Action Issues

The Commission on Social Witness of the Unitarian Universalist Association is seeking feedback from UUs on three proposed Congregational Study/Action Issues. The three proposed issues are:

All three of these issues received the required “yes” votes in the Congregational Poll to be included on the agenda for the 2025 UUA General Assembly, where one will be selected for three years of study, reflection and action.

You can join the Commission on Social Witness for its upcoming online feedback sessions to learn more about each issue, offer comments and feedback, and connect with others working on the same issue!

  • April 10 at 7 p.m. Central Time: Housing: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Feedback Session. Register.
  • April 17 at 7 p.m. Central Time: Fat Liberation: Building Justice and Inclusion for Larger Bodies Feedback Session. Register.
  • April 22 at 7 p.m. Central Time Abolition is Faith Formation Feedback Session. Register.

Learn more about the issues, the social witness process, and the Commission on Social Witness at

Check us out on the UUCC Facebook Group Page

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Coming up Sunday, March 30, 2025 

9 a.m. – Forum Discussion Group – Lower Level-Forum Room/Library

The Forum Discussion Group is an adult issues-and-answers discussion program that meets from 9 to 10 a.m. most Sundays from September through May.

On March 30 Connie Johnmeyer will lead a discussion of Great Decisions Chapter 7, “High Seas Treaty.”

9 a.m. – Mindfulness Meditation – Fire Circle or Lower Level-Centering Room

Mindfulness Meditation takes place at 9 a.m. every Sunday. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. If the outside temperature is 55° F. or higher and weather permits, meditation will take place at the Fire Circle behind the church. Otherwise, meditation will be in the Lower Level-Centering Room. For more information, email Anna Lingo or Susan Pereira.

10:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Sanctuary

“Boundless Packs” – Gretchen Maune, Lay Leader

What can dogs teach us about love and care for the collective? Join us in our long tradition of lay-led worship as Gretchen Maune explores the unique way that dogs interact with other animals, including us, and expand our awareness of the need for empathy in human relationships.

 Online worship links – Zoom • Facebook

Submit Joys and Sorrows by 8:30 a.m. Sunday before worship:

Joys and Sorrows Submission

Online Donation or Pledge Payment

Visitors participating in our online worship services are invited to fill out our Visitor Connection Card:

Visitor Connection Card

10:30 a.m. – Youth Religious Education – Lower Level

After a centering time in the Sanctuary at the beginning of worship, the children will go downstairs for a Service Sunday project. Free nursery care for infants to 3-year-olds will be available until 11:45 a.m. Read about our Youth Religious Education program.

11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour – Greeting Area

Enjoy beverages and chat in the Greeting Area.

Noon – YRUU – Lower Level-YRUU Room

Members of YRUU, our high school youth group, will gather for their regular weekly meeting.


UUJME will show film about Palestinians on May 4

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East will show the film Where Olive Trees Weep at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4, in the Sanctuary. Doors will open at 3 p.m. A discussion period will follow the 1-hour 43-minute film.

You can view the trailer here. The film is described on its website as follows: “Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.” Please register to attend.

Click to enlarge

Boone County Community Bail Fund takes over fiscal matters

UUCC had been temporarily handling the fiscal affairs for the Boone County Community Bail Fund for some time. The bail fund has now taken over that portion of the work again. UUCC was happy to help with this community need and promote the bail fund’s work. To donate to the bail fund use this form. The form can also be found on the bail fund’s website.

Chalice Circles signups still open for 2024-25

Chalice Circles Signups for 2024-2025

A limited number signups for 2024-25 Chalice Circles are still open. You can use the button link above, or the button links that appear on the Home page and Chalice Circles page.

Chalice Circles are a small-group ministry of the church designed to build community, foster connections between members, and provide opportunities to share your heart in a safe, brave space. Materials for Chalice Circle gatherings are posted on the Chalice Circles Materials page.

Groups of no more than 10 members are led by fellow UU volunteers, and topics are planned to complement the monthly themes of the church year. A Chalice Circle commitment is for one cycle of nine sessions, though some circles may elect to continue in some form over the summer. Groups will meet once or twice per month for an hour or two from September 2024 to May 2025.

If you have questions, you are welcome to email the Chalice Circles leadership team that consists of the Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon, Gretchen Maune, and Crystal Paddock Buffaloe, or call or text Crystal at 573-289-9705 (please leave a message!)

We look forward to a fun, connected, meaningful year ahead!

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What’s happening soon?

Weekly and bi-weekly recurring events

Gentle Yoga with Karen Dwyer – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Gentle Yoga takes place at the church from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Fridays and from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays (except the first Thursday each month). Additional information is available from Karen Dwyer, or contact the church office.

Choir Rehearsals – Wednesday evenings

Choir rehearsals with Music Director Violet Vondar Haar take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings in the Sanctuary at church. All singers are welcome, regardless of experience and vocal part.

Crafting Group – 1 to 3 p.m. Thursdays

The crafting group meets from 1 to 3 p.m. every Thursday in the Greeting Area. The group is recruiting new members and can help with any projects you may have. Beginners are welcome, and there is no hard commitment – come when you can. For more information, email Bonnie Johnson.

Living Earth Meditation – 9 a.m. Saturdays

With the arrival of warmer weather, Living Earth Meditation will resume weekly sessions at 9 a.m. Saturdays at 1400 Gary St. on April 5. It is facilitated by Peter Holmes, Ph.D., Jared Belden, M.A., and Tricia Straub. Sign up to attend by email. During cold weather months, the Living Earth Study Group meets on first and third Saturdays from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Show-Me Dharma, 1600 West Broadway. It is facilitated by Peter Holmes, Ph.D. and Jared Belden, M.A. Sign up to attend by email. The meditation and study group programs are a joint project of UUCC, the Columbia Friends Meeting and Show-Me Dharma.

Scheduled events coming soon

Men’s Group – 8:30 a.m. Saturday, March 29 – online

The UUCC Men’s Group meets online via Zoom on the second, fourth, and fifth Saturdays of each month. For more information, contact Wiley Miller at 573-864-8574 or by email.

The Sermon in You: A Lay Preaching Workshop – 1 p.m. Saturday, April 5

Do you have a sermon in you? You almost certainly do. Join Rev. Molly and your Worship Associates in the Sanctuary from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 5 for an afternoon to talk about the art of preaching, ponder big and beautiful questions, play with writing prompts and ideas, and discover the sermon in you. Please register here to attend.

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Joys and sorrows

You can read the Joys and sorrows shared with the congregation by clicking the button below. The page is also accessible from the Members/Friends drop-down menu. The Joys and Sorrows page is password-protected, so you must be logged in as a registered user of our site to see it. If you have not already registered, you can do so here.

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You can submit joys and sorrows online by clicking this button:

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