Worship Services

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Worship Schedule

Worship plans for each month appear here. On our Home Page you will find details about the worship service for the coming Sunday.

July 2024 Sunday Worship Schedule

Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. – both in-person and online. If you have trouble accessing the technology to join us online, please send an email to our Tech Team.

July 7, 2024 – All-Ages Worship Service – Singing Circle with Steph Plant

Join us for a Singing Circle service with Steph Plant, a singer/songwriter and author/illustrator based in the St Louis area. She has produced two full-length albums and self-publishes children’s picture books based on the lyrics of her songs. Her lovely original music uplifts and directs praise and presence to the themes of nature, connection and life’s simple pleasures.

July 14, 2024 – “Building Better” – Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon and DRE Jamila Batchelder

Join us for an all-ages service to talk about building a better community… with Legos!

July 21, 2024 – UUtopias Lay-Led Service

Join lay leaders in our beloved tradition of sharing our pulpit with our members to hear their many varied takes on our summer theme!

July 28, 2024 – UUtopias Lay-Led Service

Join lay leaders in our beloved tradition of sharing our pulpit with our members to hear their many varied takes on our summer theme!

The Zoom address for our 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship is:
You can also join by phone: 312-626 6799
Webinar ID: 380 411 489

Services are also streamed live to Facebook

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Description of Worship Services

Our minister, the Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, in the pulpit

We offer a worship service every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.. The current month’s schedule appears above. Services last about one hour.

Children are present for about the first 15 minutes, which includes a stones of joy and sorrow ritual. The children then leave for their religious education classes. Nursery care and our full religious education program for preschool through junior high school are offered at this time.

Although each of our services is unique, services usually begin with a welcome from a member of our Board of Trustees and occasional special announcements.

Interspersed with a variety of music and hymn singing, the typical service also includes the lighting of the chalice, one or more inspirational readings, a sermon or homily, an offertory, an opportunity to express joys and sorrows, and a closing benediction.

After the service we gather for fellowship, conversation and coffee.

Members of a group called the Worship Associates assist in planning worship services and also participate in conducting services.

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Lay-Led Worship Services

Our lay-led services honor our commitment to lay involvement in church leadership and our church’s history. We began in 1951 as a lay-led fellowship, and thus all services were lay led until we called our first minister in 1980.

From September through May, we have occasional lay-led services, and many of the services are lay led during the summer. The Worship Associates organize the lay-led services. These services are often non-traditional and unique and allow individuals to speak to a topic of interest or lead the congregation in exploring a variety of activities related to the many facets of worship and spirituality.

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