Rev. Molly to lead UUA General Assembly Sunday Service in June

Rev. Molly

UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt has announced that Rev. Molly will lead the Sunday Service at General Assembly 2024, on Sunday, June 23 at noon Central Daylight Time.

The official announcement said, “A lifelong Unitarian Universalist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Rev. Molly Housh Gordon is the minister of the UU Church of Columbia, Missouri, where she is currently suing the state of Missouri for their unconstitutional abortion ban alongside 13 other multi-faith clergy co-plaintiffs. Molly is passionate about red-state UU ministry, community organizing, and mutual aid. In addition to her ministry and organizing work, Molly is a published essayist and poet completing a Doctor of Ministry in Creative Writing and Public Theology. Alongside her wonderful spouse, she is the delighted parent of two very fierce young children and one very chill old dog.”

Rev. Molly said, “I am extremely honored and delighted to share with you that UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt has invited me to be this year’s General Assembly Sunday Morning Preacher. This is a once-in-a-lifetime honor for UU ministers, and I have gladly accepted her invitation. General Assembly is online-only this year, so I will have the opportunity to showcase our staff members and some of the online worship skills we picked up during COVID. I will be preparing and prerecording the service this spring, and it will then be live-streamed by UU congregations across the country on Sunday, June 23.”