Grounds Team connects people with plants

Plants. They refresh our air. They recycle our water. They sustain a livable climate. They are the base producers of all our food. They meld with sky and earth to create our most beautiful surroundings.

People. We UUs are open to deeper understanding of this living planet and, as individuals, many of us explore our roles by engaging with a wild place or a garden. As a group, our Grounds Team strives to connect people with plants in a respectful dance of giving and receiving. We periodically organize small work parties to care for and learn from the plants that are living here on our grounds.

You are invited to join us by reaching out to Carol Arnold or Patty Daus, in person or by email. You may choose to participate just once or many times. Either way, we welcome you to join us in our ongoing exploration of plants and of working together in community.

If you have an interest in exploring or taking part in this project, we hope you will let us know!

Carol Arnold
Grounds Team Co-Chair