Membership Team invites connections

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi

Shortly after I had begun attending services at UUCC, I decided I wanted to support this amazing group of humans. Although I wanted to support the church, I knew I was a commitment-phobe. What if I join a team and realize it’s not my thing? What if I bite off more than I can chew? What if I sign up and then have to cancel? What if they ask for more than I can give? What if? What if? What if?

Around that time, the Searchlight newsletter mentioned that hands were needed to pull weeds, and I thought “Perfect, how hard can that be? I know what a dandelion is.” I started my service at UUCC on the grounds, not the Grounds Team, just the incredible force of Joann and Jim Vest. We sweated and pulled weeds and would occasionally stop and listen to one of Jim’s jokes as he mowed. I got to know Joann better through our weed-pulling experience. I enjoyed our time together and learned there was more than one type of weed. Who knew? Soon it was recognized that a team was needed, and the Grounds Team was born. I met people who shared their vast knowledge of plants, soil, and insects, and I met some like me who didn’t know a Serecea lespedeza from anaromatic aster.

Since then I have been involved in many teams and events at UUCC, and it has been a beautiful way to get to know an amazing group of people and help heal this world. My “what ifs” have been calmed by these kind and caring people. I believe I am a more loving person due to UUCC.

I invite you to connect with a service opportunity. Opportunities abound, and if you can’t find what you are looking for, please reach out.

I hope to see you at the Sept. 8 Activity Fair!

Be well.
Patty Daus
Membership Team

Our next membership cycle – September
  • Membership 101 – History of Unitarian Universalism – 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 5 – register
  • Membership 102 – History of UUCC – in person after worship – Sept. 8 – register
  • New Member Ingathering during worship – Sept. 22 – register
We invite you to be a greeter

It’s a great way to meet people. Sign up here.

Questions, comments, name tag updates

Please reach out with any questions, comments or updates on your name tag by email to the Membership Team