September sponsorship update from SIJT

May was the end of UUCC’s third year of sponsorship of Lilly Ortiz Valiente and her children Manuel and Lakshmi. As reported in the August Searchlight, the consensus of the Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Team (SIJT) is that it is time to phase out our financial sponsorship, at least in the ways we have been managing it. Three years of sponsorship is an unusually long time for sponsoring asylum seekers, although with a single mom and two small children we anticipated a longer period of assistance than usual likely would be needed.

Also, in the previous newsletter we mentioned the need of a replacement vehicle for the 1998 car generously gifted to Lilly by Meredith Donaldson. It was a wonderful and very useful gift, although it became in need of repairs too costly to afford. We were fortunate to find a reasonably priced replacement vehicle. In an effort to move toward a different way of assisting Lilly, on behalf of UUCC the SIJT gifted about half of the expense of the car, insurance, title, and registration and then provided a no-interest loan for the other half. Although we are phasing out our financial sponsorship of the family, it is difficult when the family has financial challenges. We are not abandoning the family and will attempt to appropriately respond to emergencies. And one of those emergencies may be providing transportation for the family when repairs are needed for the replacement vehicle. So if you are available to provide some transportation, please contact Ruth Milledge (573-268-9591).

At this time there has been no decision by the SIJT to commence another sponsorship, although the team has discussed that possibility. We will continue to explore the direction of the work of the SIJT while we continue to be responsive to immigrant justice and assistance work.

Recently we were able to provide some financial assistance to Edler and Yadira Umanzor and their three daughters when they were in need of a replacement vehicle. UUCC has previously assisted this Honduran asylum-seeking family, and the family has been to UUCC on several occasions. Many thanks to Dottie Mathews and Rosie Geiser who have stayed closely connected with the family and brought this need for a replacement vehicle to the attention of the SIJT.

With continuing gratitude for the support of the UUCC Community, please let us know if you have any questions about this update or the work of the SIJT, including any questions about the team’s financial information. Contact Allie Gassmann by email for information.

Allie Gassmann and Dave Gibbons
Co-Chairs of the SIJT