Church News Blog
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- Please sign up now for a Mission/Vision Cottage Meeting January 4, 2025It’s time to sign up for a cottage meeting in our winter session of mission and vision discernment! We have 88 spots open in 11 different meetings at a variety of times of day, days of week, and locations. We need your input to ensure our mission and vision revisions reflect us all as we enter ...
- Planned Giving Group plans estate planning program at Forum Feb. 2 January 4, 2025Join the Planned Giving Work Group at Forum at 9 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 2 for “Estate Planning,” presented by our very own Steve Scott, a local attorney. As suggested by the title, Steve will discuss the elements of estate planning, and the benefits of putting even the most basic and simple estate plan in place. ...
- Newcomer Retreat Planned for Jan. 26 January 4, 2025From the UUCC Membership Team Mark your calendar for Jan. 26! The Membership Team and Rev. Molly will host our first “Getting to Know UU: Newcomer Retreat.” Members and friends are welcome to attend the light dinner portion of the retreat from 6 to 7 p.m. Newcomers will be in attendance from 4 to 7 p.m. We ...
- Church leaders’ January messages January 4, 2025President’s Perspective – Ruth Milledge – 2024-25 President Dear UUCC, As the year 2024 draws toward its end, we find ourselves in the middle of UUCC’s fiscal year. This is the time when our board’s Nominating Committee, headed by Past President Iyesatu Kamara-Bush, is beginning to recruit people for next fiscal year’s work of governing our church. ...
- Social Action Team – January Report January 4, 2025Faith-to-Action The Faith-to-Action recipient for January is the Boone County Community Bail Fund. Their work in their words: “We are a group of volunteers who raise community donations to bail people out of the Boone County Jail who cannot afford to pay. We answer calls from the jail, screen for a match with our criteria (Boone County ...
- Grounds Team report – January January 4, 2025Along the woods edge (above the Memorial Garden and just west of the meadow), several stands of arching American Beakgrain grasses can be seen adding blond highlights to the muted colors of winter. They hold soil against erosion and provide cover and food for birds and mammals. All are invited, at your leisure, to enjoy ...
- Please park at Shepard school if you can January 3, 2025Have you noticed our parking lot and the street filling up quickly on Sunday mornings as our attendance increases? We are able to park in the Shepard Elementary School lot across the street from the church. If you have been attending for some years and are able to, please park there to help welcome newcomers with ...
- Election concerns boost attendance, spark strategy brainstorming January 3, 2025Our worship attendance spiked in the Sundays before and after the Nov. 5 general election, bringing our average attendance for November to 111, a 28% increase from the October average of 87. We held an initial congregational strategy meeting after worship on Sunday, Nov. 17 to imagine how we can deepen our solidarity in this time. ...
- Please provide complete ingredients list for potlucks January 3, 2025Potlucks can be challenging and sometimes downright frustrating for those with food sensitivities and allergies. For many, checking a box indicating “gluten-free,” “vegan” or “nondairy” is not enough. For instance, one of our members is gluten-free but also sensitive to arrowroot and sorghum flour. Let’s support each other by completing an ingredient list for our food ...
- Chalice Circle signups now open for 2024-25 September 8, 2024Chalice Circles Signups for 2024-2025 The time has come once again to sign up for new and continuing 2024-25 UUCC Chalice Circles. You can use the button link above, or the button links that appear on the Home page and Chalice Circles page. Chalice Circles are a small-group ministry of the church designed to build community, foster ...
- Mission and Vision Task force plans listening campaign August 31, 2024Our congregation last adopted Mission and Vision statements more than a decade ago, in May of 2013, after a large-scale listening campaign. Since then our Mission and Vision statements have served us well and guided us through a decade of work together, but also the world has changed dramatically! Last year our Board of Trustees decided ...
- Living Our Love for Our Trans and Gender Expansive Siblings July 7, 2024By the Rev. Dottie Mathews When Rosie and I moved to Columbia in 2015, we were thoroughly delighted to find this vibrant, committed faith community to join, and it has been my honor to serve as your Affiliated Community Minister for these eight and a half years. For those who may not know, that role simply ...
- Help UUCC when you sell on EBay or Facebook February 23, 2024When you sell items on EBay or Facebook, you can now donate some or all of the proceeds to UUCC using the Paypal Giving Fund. You will need to select an option in EBay or Facebook to donate a percentage of sale proceeds to charity. When you do that, at the time you complete a sale ...
- Water Bearers Society is launched February 4, 2024The Planned Giving Work Group of the Stewardship Team has been busy this past year and has launched a renewed planned giving program at UUCC. During many past Founder’s Day celebrations, we have shared the story of how our founders hand-carried water to nourish the young trees on the site where they planned to build our ...
- Please feed our Food Barrel February 4, 2024Thanks to everyone who put non-perishable food items in the barrel at the upstairs elevator doors over the last few months. Joan and I took 90 pounds to the Food Bank Market on Jan. 26. The need continues. Please, everyone, continue to feed our barrel, which helps feed our neighbors, and maybe some of us. Steve Mudrick Social ...
- First Aid supplies now located in Sanctuary December 2, 2023Staff and volunteers successfully completed a CPR and AED course with the American Red Cross on Oct. 29, so we are feeling more prepared for any medical emergencies that may come our way. UUCC staff members have been working on creating a visible area for the supplies needed in these life-saving treatments. The photo at right ...
- Lock system for exterior doors has changed June 30, 2023In the past UUCC used a key system for exterior doors. We have now fully transitioned to an automatic lock system to make our church more secure. Each week, Church Administrator April Rodeghero will update the schedule so the exterior doors will unlock and lock for scheduled activities. Staff members, lay leaders and organizations that rent ...
- UUCC-sponsored African American Heritage Trail Marker dedicated June 30, 2023Our church sponsored one of the markers on the African American Heritage Trail in north-central Columbia. The marker commemorates the historic Douglass High School football field, four blocks west of Douglass High School. A dedication ceremony was held on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at the marker location at the corner of Oak Street and Unity Drive. ...
- Rev. Dottie Mathews recognized for immigrant work November 6, 2022Dottie’s recognition certificate Click to enlarge During our Oct. 23, 2022 worship service, our Affiliated Community Minister, Rev. Dottie Mathews, was recognized for her past work as coordinator of the Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum Seekers (CAPAS), a program of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). As part of the recognition, it was announced that the UUSC has ...
- Welcome to our meadow! October 29, 2022By the time you see this article, the backyard meadow at church is likely to have received its maintenance-mowing and may look like a blank space or a poor excuse for lawn. But, I hope you have seen, can imagine, or will see the wonderful plants that are still alive and well beneath the ground. There ...
- We love our trees! November 28, 2021The Grounds Team would like to introduce you to some of our trees and invite you to share your love of our trees and woods on the UUCC Facebook page. Shingle Oak – Wood from this oak can be split into thin sheets, which used to be made into shingles. White Oak – These oaks can live ...
- Easy text and online donations now available September 26, 2021We are excited to announce that we have launched a new system giving our members and friends the ability to give to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia by: Text message from your smartphone, or Online This new system has been arranged through the Breeze Church Management System, our new church database. It replaces our previous Paypal portal, ...
- UU Life Writers’ Group publishes its second anthology February 28, 2021The UU Life Writers’ Group is pleased to announce the publication of its second anthology, Stories, Just Stories. The stories are mini-memoirs about family, growing up, social activism, romance and pets. A big section of poetry is included. The anthology also contains tributes to those writers no longer with us. Copies are $8 and can be ...
- Fragrance sensitivity? We’ve got you (or at least your chair) covered! May 26, 2019On Sunday, March 24, the Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry (AIM) Team presented the lay-led service, “Living Up to Radical Welcome,” and made a small change in the sanctuary while we were at it. As we’ve heard a number of questions about this change, we thought it was about time we shed some light on it. If ...
- Social Action Team makes UUCC T-shirts available February 18, 2019After a two-year lapse in the availability of UUCC T-shirts, the UUCC Social Action Team now has three designs of T-shirts available for purchase at $20 apiece. The shirts are perfect for rallies and other activities and events. Look for them in the Greeting Area. Some of the shirts feature the design that first became available ...
- 2018 UUA General Assembly August 5, 2018 Our YRUU youth carried our church banner in the banner parade at the opening session of the UUA General Assembly in Kansas City, Mo. on June 20. In the first part of this short video, they are seen on their first pass through the convention hall. After the transition, they are seen on their way out of the ...
- UUA has first elected woman President July 2, 2017Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray was selected by delegates as the first elected woman President of the Unitarian Universalist Association at the June 21-25 General Assembly in New Orleans. She had been the lead minister of the UU Congregation of Phoenix, Ariz., where she became well known for her work on behalf of immigrants, since 2008. Read ...