Our building and property are available for weddings, unions, memorial services, receptions, recitals, meetings, activities and many other uses and events by members and non-members without regard to ethnicity; national, geographical or historical origin; color; gender; physical or mental challenge or attributes; affectional or sexual orientation; gender identity; age; or class.  Many items (such as kitchen ware, tables, chairs, etc.) are available for use by renters.  However, special requests for use of equipment must be made at the time of reservation.  Under no circumstances may alcohol be on the church premises, and the grand piano may not be moved.  In addition, tobacco products may not be used in the building.

On this Page:
Arranging Building Use by Members
Arranging Building Use by Non-Members and Outside Groups
Keys and Securing the Building
Setting Up Tables in the Greeting Area

Arranging Building Use by Members

Members and friends wishing to use our building should communicate as soon as possible with Church Administrator Suzanne Clark by phone at 573-442-5764 or by email. All events, meetings and other activities, including rehearsals, must be cleared with the Church Administrator. It is not safe to assume that the building will be available.

When you request building use, you will be asked which rooms you will need, when, and for what purpose. If you want to serve coffee or food, the kitchen should be included in your request.

Meetings, events and activities are placed on the master calendar on a first-come, first-served basis. When there are conflicts, we try to be as accommodating as possible. However, the Church Administrator will not schedule conflicting activities.

After placement on the master calendar, scheduled church meetings, events and activities are publicized in the newsletter, in the Order of Service announcement insert, and/or on the church website.

A digital projector and screen are available for church activities and events. Password-protected Wi-Fi also is available – contact the Church Administrator for the password.

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Arranging Building Use by Non-Members and Outside Groups

Those wishing to use our building should speak with Suzanne Clark, our Church Administrator, at 573-442-5764, and submit a completed building use application.

Building Use Application in Word format
Building Use Application in PDF format

Fees are charged for outside people and groups to use the building. The Church Administrator can quote the applicable fee for the space to be used.

Among groups and programs using our building have been: The Audubon Society, Girl Scout Troup 30328, La Leche League, the Native Plant Society, the Shepard School Buddy Pack Program through the Central Missouri Food Bank, Open Borders Music Series, The Center Project, National Alliance for Mental Illness: Family-to-Family Program, and Neighborhood Watch meetings.

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Keys and Securing the Building

If you have not been issued a church entrance key for other purposes, please ask the Church Administrator to borrow a key well in advance of your need. Return the key promptly when no longer needed for your activity.

Loaning or copying an entrance key that you have borrowed is prohibited.

All users of the building are asked to secure the entire building and turn off the lights after use. You will receive a “check-out list” when you receive the key. Remember that you are responsible for the condition of the building when you leave after your activity.

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Setting Up Tables in Greeting Area

Requests to set up a table in the Greeting Area on Sunday morning to advertise a church activity, recruit volunteers, do fund-raising, etc., should be made in advance. (All fund-raising efforts must be approved by the Minister.)

With advance notice, a table may be ready for you when you arrive. There are large tables available on the table storage racks in the Sanctuary, and there are coffee tables available in the storage closet in the hallway outside the kitchen.

When done, please return large tables to the table rack in the Sanctuary and coffee tables to the storage closet.

We make every effort to accommodate all requests for tables. However, we are somewhat limited by space. Please keep in mind that the Greeting Area is crowded during coffee hour, so occasionally table requests may need to be denied.

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There are land-line telephones in both the upstairs and downstairs kitchens and in the Volunteer Workroom. You can make local calls on these phones and receive incoming calls; however, long-distance calls cannot be made except with a phone card.

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