Church Groups

Our ministries are accomplished through a variety of church groups that are open to all members and friends and that provide opportunities to serve and become acquainted with others who share similar interests.

In the listing below, links are provided for groups that have a dedicated website page where you can read more. Within categories, groups are listed alphabetically. Click the following links to jump to specific categories.

Spiritual/Social Ministries

The ministries listed here provide opportunities for spiritual growth and for becoming acquainted with others who share similar interests. Click the group name links for more information.

Book Discussion Group – The group meets for dinner monthly to discuss books. Contact Pam Springsteel at 573-445-0642 or by email.

Chalice Circles – Chalice Circles are groups of 7 to 10 members who meet once or twice a month to deepen and strengthen interpersonal connections and encourage spiritual growth. Contact by email.

Kaleidoscope – Kaleidoscope is an eclectic pagan group seeking to explore members’ relationship to the earth and the cosmos through the study and practice of shamanic and ancient religious traditions. Contact by email.

Life Writers – Life Writers write mini-memoirs telling stories of their lives and enjoy hearing others’ stories.

Men’s Group – The Men’s Group formerly met at 8 a.m. on the second, fourth (and fifth) Saturdays each month in the sports bar/restaurant at the Holiday Inn Executive Center for breakfast and conversation. Currently it is meeting online via Zoom. Contact Wiley Miller at 573-864-8574 or by email.

Milestones Circle – This is an open small group for older adults to meet, share thoughts and concerns, and receive support and friendship. For more information, email Kathie Bergman.

Mindfulness Meditation – Mindfulness Meditation takes place every Sunday morning at church. Meditators of all levels of experience are welcome. For more information, email Anna Lingo or Susan Pereira.

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Sunday Worship Ministries

Sunday Worship Ministries contribute to our Sunday morning worship services and are open to all church members and friends. Click the group name links for more information.

Choir – Our choir practices on Wednesday evenings from September through May and frequently performs during Sunday worship services. Contact Violet Vonder Haar, Director of Music Ministry, by email.

Usher Team – Ushers help prepare the Sanctuary, greet worshipers, hand out the order of service, circulate the collection plates, and generally assist in making worship run smoothly. Contact Usher Coordinator Steve Scott at 573-442-1865 or by email.

Worship Associates Team – The Worship Associates assist in planning and conducting worship services. They meet with the minister for planning sessions on a quarterly basis. Contact the team by email.

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Education Ministries

Education Ministries plan and conduct our religious education programs. Click the group name links for more information.

Adult Religious Education Team – The team plans and conducts adult religious education programs. Contact by email.

Children’s Religious Education Team – The team, led by Jamila Batchelder, Director of Religious Education, helps plan and assist in our children’s R.E. program. Contact Jamila at 573-442-5764 or by email.

Forum Discussion Group – The Forum Discussion Group is an adult issues-and-answers discussion program that meets year-round from 9 to 10 a.m. each Sunday. For more information, contact Church Administrator April Rodeghero at 573-442-5764 or by email.

Junior Youth Group – The Junior Youth Group, for 6th-8th graders, meets monthly for social and service activities. Contact Jamila at 573-442-5764 or by email.

OWL – OWL (Our Whole Lives) is a course for elementary and secondary school students designed to address a wide range of topics and issues associated with sexuality and sexual expression. Contact DRE Jamila Batchelder at 573-442-5764 or by email.

YRUU – Young Religious UUs is our high school age youth group that meets early Sunday afternoons for educational, social and service activities. Adults who help plan and supervise activities are members of the Youth Advisory Council. Contact DRE Jamila Batchelder at 573-442-5764 or by email.

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Serving the Church Ministries

The ministries listed here provide a variety of services crucial to the ongoing operation of our church and are open to all members and friends. If a group has a dedicated page on our website, you can click the group name link for more information.

• Audit Committee – The committee conducts an annual audit of church financial records and assists the Board of Trustees in arranging periodic outside audits. Contact through the board by email.

Board of Trustees – The board is the governing body of the church. Its responsibilities are making policies, effectuating the church’s vision and mission as articulated by the members, providing resources, and evaluating programs. Contact the board by email.

Caring Ministry Team – The team provides support in times of celebration and challenge. Support may include cards, calls, visits, meals, and assistance with errands, transportation, or other needs. Contact the minister at 573-442-5764 or by email.

• Facilities Team – The team helps keep our physical facilities in good condition. It is responsible for maintenance and repair of the church building. Contact Kevin Fritsche at 573-289-4536 or by email.

• Fundraising Team – The team plans and executes fundraising activities to supplement the church’s income. Contact the minister at 573-442-5764 or by email.

Grounds Team – The team works to develop and maintain our church grounds in an earth-friendly and sustainable way and to encourage people of all ages to interact with the beautiful outdoor spaces around our church. Contact the co-chairs, Carol Arnold and Patty Daus, by email.

• Investments and Endowment Committee – This Board of Trustees committee manages the financial investments of the church and makes recommendations to the board. Contact through the board by email.

• Media Team – The Media Team works to create a vibrant virtual presence for UUCC. Contact Larry Lile at 573-397-5414 or by email.

• Membership Team – The team’s mission is to make visitors feel welcome, to guide people into membership, and to facilitate the integration of new members into the life of the congregation. Contact the team by email.

Memorial Garden Team – The team maintains and plans improvements to the Memorial Garden in the wooded area behind the church. Contact Church Administrator April Rodeghero at 573-442-5764 or by email.

• Nominating Committee – This Board of Trustees committee is responsible for (1) nominating church members to serve on the Board of Trustees, (2) recruiting members for board committees, and (3) recruiting delegates to the MidAmerica Region Assembly and UUA General Assembly. Contact through the board by email.

• Office Volunteer Team – Team members work in teams of two or three to copy and collate the weekly Order of Service and announcement inserts. They also assist with other church office tasks as needed. Contact Church Administrator April Rodeghero at 573-442-5764 or by email.

• Safer Congregation Committee – The committee’s primary responsibility is to develop, update and monitor the implementation of the safer congregation policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees and related administrative policies and procedures adopted by the minister. The committee also serves as a review and response team when a person participating in the church has a history of one or more sexual offenses or has been accused of a sexual offense. Contact the minister at 573-442-5674 or by email.

• Stewardship Team – The team plans and manages the annual campaign to obtain financial pledges from church members and friends to fund the church budget. Contact the minister at 573-442-5764 or by email.

• Technology Team – The team works to maintain the church’s computer, sound and other technological systems and recommend improvements. Contact Larry Lile at 573-397-5414 or by email.

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Serving the Larger Community Ministries

The ministries listed here work to promote our Unitarian Universalist Principles in local, regional, state, national and international realms. They are open to all interested church members and friends. Click the group name links for more information.

Honduras Ministry Team – The team raises funds to assist the people of the Cangrejal River Valley in Honduras and has organized five trips to the area to build latrines and provide other assistance. A sixth trip is planned in 2025. Contact Allie Gassmann at 573-356-1210 or by email. Related pages:

Sanctuary/Immigrant Justice Team – The team works to protect immigrants facing deportation by literally offering sanctuary to people at risk of being deported and seeks ways our congregation can support immigrant and refugee communities in this area. Contact Allie Gassmann at 573-356-1210 or by email.

Social Action Team – The team’s mission is to mobilize the congregation in support of social justice by bearing witness to and protesting social injustice, providing service to those in need, and raising funds for groups whose activities are consonant with our social justice mission. Contact chair Fred Young at 573-443-2154 or by email. Related pages:

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